Surah Yaseen PDF (سورة يس): Unveiling the Heart of the Quran for Spiritual Growth
Surah Yaseen is one of the most splendid and highly revered surahs of the Holy Quran. This surah is also called the heart of the Quran e Majeed. In this surah, we are taught how the Quran was revealed as a divine book and how the pagans were badly punished for their misdeeds/wrongdoings. Containing 83 Ayats, 807 words, 3028 letters, and 5 Rukus, this surah starts in number 22nd para and ends in the 23rd para.
It is a plentiful surah that offers a multitude of benefits. Highly recommended by Hazrat Mohammad SAW to recite, this surah has a very special place in Islam. You may recite this surah at fajr, in the evening, and even at nighttime. This blog post will guide you through the importance, benefits, and blessings of this chapter.
Download Surah yaseen PDF
To understand Surah Yaseeen and its benefits, you should read it with Translation. By clicking on the ”Download PDF Button,” you can download the Surah as Yaseen PDF with translation and save it to your devices. Downloading the Surah Yaseen PDF enables you to read this surah at any time and share it with your loved one for more blessings and rewards. You can also read Surah e Yaseen online at your ease.
Listen to the Audio of Surah Yaseen
Surat Yasin in Arabic
Here is the text of Surah Yaseen with Urdu translation.

Meaning of surah Yaseeen
Surah Yasin can be read as Yaa Sin or Yaseen. The exact meaning of the word Yasin seems to be unknown, but somehow, it is learnt that it means o human being. This surah is meant to impart to all human beings the value and place of belief in Allah Almighty and the prophethood of the Holy Prophet Muhammad Saw and Akhirat, which means life after death. This surah warns us to be aware of the penalty for violating and overlooking the values and teachings of Islam. Therefore, it is great to understand its meaning in the true spirit.
The Surah Yaseen Message
Surah Yasin is said to be the first surah revealed during the Makkah period upon the holy prophet Mohammad Saw. This surah teaches us to believe in the oneness of God and life in heaven(Akhirat). There is a description of how the pagans (kuffar) and their followers were destroyed because of their bad deeds and the violation they did to face the anger of Allah.
When was surah Ya seen revealed?
This surah was revealed when the Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW was in Mecca, therefore, it is a Makki surah. It is said that the revelation of Surah Yassen took place before Surah al Furqan and after Surah Jin.
Ayats in Surah Yaaseen | Words in Surah Yaaseen | Letters in Surah Yaaseen | Rukus in Surah Yaaseen | Revelation of Surah Yaaseen |
83 | 807 | 3028 | 5 | In Mecca |
Macci ayats have the following characteristics.
Watch the video of Surah Yasin
Famous quotes about Yasin shareef
”Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Ya-sin; whoever reads it, it is as if he has read the Quran ten times.”
” Whoever reads Surah Yasin in one night will be forgiven in the morning.”
“Whoever recites Surah Yaseen at night seeking Allah’s approval, Allah would forgive him.”
“Whoever continues to read it every night then dies, will die as a shaheed (martyr). Read the surah for The Martyrs of Karbala
“Whoever enters the graveyard and reads Surah Yasin, their (punishment) will be reduced that day, and he will have ”Hasanaat” (reward) equal to the number of people in the graveyard.
“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen, Allah rewards him that is equal to that of reading the whole Quran ten times.” Whoever reads Surah Yaseen is forgiven; whoever reads it in hunger is satisfied; whoever reads it having lost their way, finds their way; whoever reads it on losing an animal, finds it.
Benefits of reading Surat Yasin
Many times reward:
The importance of this Surah can be learned if you know that the reward of reciting the Quran 10 times is granted to those who recite the Surah Yasin in full text just once a day. The worth and value of this surah can be reckoned by knowing the above-mentioned fact.
The Mercy of Allah:
Those who recite the Yaseen Sharif PDF to make Allah happy will be free of all worries. They will be successful both in this world and in life after death. The reciters of this surah will have the special mercy of Allah upon them.
Spiritual Guidance:
Reciting this surah offers a lighthouse to do virtuous things. It strengthens our souls and enhances our connection with the divine. Frequently reciting Surah Yasen removes all of our worries and anxieties in trying times and keeps us tall and confident even in hardships.
Peaceful Passing:
Reading Surah Yaseen Sharif to a person who is almost dead or on the brink of death provides an easy and less painful death. Those who recite this surah regularly with devotion and sincerity find a peaceful death.
Blessing for a pregnant woman:
It is believed that if a pregnant woman drinks the water which is blown upon with Sura e Yaseen, she will be blessed with a child without any harm to both the mother and her child. It is therefore strongly advised to recite Yaseen Shareef daily for the safe birth of a child.
Useful in marriage:
Surah Yaaseen is very beneficial for marriage and life partner seekers. A person who is looking for the right life partner gets his /her partner according to his/her desires. Further, by reading the Yaseen pdf, one can get rid of marital problems and disputes. This surah has the power to fill the lives of the partners with happiness and comfort.
Fulfilment of needs:
With the power of reading this great surah, Allah SWT fulfils all our needs of the day. Any problems that need to be solved, once reading this Surah, you are provided with a solution by Allah to meet all your needs and solve all your issues of the day. Not only this, but reading Surat Yaseen with a clear heart removes all your worries and helps you tackle your day-to-day matters.
What is the best time to read surah ya-sin?
Surah Yasin is amongst those surahs that are read the most because of its importance and greater reward. Some specific times and occasions on which sura e Yaseen should be recited are as follows.
Surah Yaseeen after fajr :
Religious scholars advise reading Surah Ya-sin after the fajr prayer. Those who read this surah in the morning find peace and pleasure throughout the day. Starting your day by reciting Surat Yaseen brings success, protection, and Barakah(blessings) in your life.
Before you go to sleep:

Reading Surah Yaseen before going to bed brings comfort and peace of mind with sweet dreams. The powerful verses of this surah remove negative thinking and negative emotions. This surah should, therefore, be recited at night time also because it repels all the hurdles that can harm your sleep.
Yasin Sharif On Friday:
Friday is the holiest day of the week and is therefore celebrated and observed with special prayers and worship by the Muslims. Reading the surah Yasin PDF every Friday morning or before offering the Jummah prayer is the source of many blessings and rewards from Allah. It is, therefore, recited frequently on Jumma Mubarak(The blessed friday.)
Recitation during hard times:
Reciting Surah Yasin Shareef takes you to the solution of any worry or problem in difficult circumstances. Therefore, it is advised to recite this Quranic surah during hardships and troubles and seek Allah’s mercy to resolve your issues and bring His blessings upon you.
To cure disease :

This surah should be read as a cure for any disease when read by the sick person, bringing the patient to regain his/her health. There are many instances of patients suffering from different ailments who have recovered with the regular recitation of this surah.
During Ramzan ul Mubarik:

Recitation of this surah in the holy month of Ramzan results in getting a huge reward from Allah SWT. Therefore, Muslims around the world read this blessed surah in this sacred month to stay blessed and earn maximum thawab for making their fasting more fruitful.
Before beginning an important task:
Surah Yaseen must be read before you start fulfilling a mission or accomplishing an important task. By reading this surah, you get extraordinary energy and zeal with a surety of performing the task you are assigned.
After performing the Maghrib prayer:
Reciting Surah Yaseen after Maghrib salah is also very beneficial for spiritual and psychological health. As mentioned earlier, reciting Surah Yasin is very helpful for bringing sound and comfortable sleep.
During Hajj and Umrah:

It is believed that reading this surah during Hajj and Umrah can bring a huge reward and blessings to Akhirat. Pilgrims who leave to perform this religious obligation read surah a Yaasen for enhanced spiritual connection with the Creator during that sacred journey.
After the death of your loved ones:
Reading the Yasin Sharif PDF on the death of your loved ones or family members provides eternal peace and ease in their journey of Akhirat.
How many times should I recite surah yaseen a day?
Reciting Surah Yaseen daily brings a great reward in Akhirat(the life after death). It is usually said that reading it seven times at a particular moment brings even greater reward. Some religious scholars say that reading this surah 7 times a day brings an even greater reward.
It is also said that it should be read in odd numbers for the accomplishment of a certain task or to remove a curse or misery. Therefore, many muslim societies arrange khatam e Yaseen Shareef in which this surah is recited by a group of people to complete its reading 41 times.
Wazifa of 07 Mubeen in Yasin sharif
A wazifa in Muslim terminology is to recite a supplication or utter a certain dua from Quranic ayats several times. Mubeen is an Arabic word which means Lucid or prominent. It is mentioned in Sura e Yaseen on 07 occasions.
The Wazifa of 7 Mubeens can be performed from the 1st of the Islamic Hijri calendar to the 14th. If you want to utter or recite this wazifa, you will have to read it in one place and one time. For instance, if you begin this wazifa after fajr prayer, then you will have to complete it at the same time daily after saying the fajr salah.
The procedure of 07 Mubeen Wazifa:
Three important lessons of yasin sharif
1. The crowd is not always right
This surah refers to a city where three prophets were sent to convey the message of Allah to the dwellers of that city. Unfortunately, neither of them accepted those prophets except only one person who believed in the True message of Allah. The true believer was slain by those cruel nonbelievers, but he was rewarded into Paradise by Allah Almighty. So the lesson from this surah is that only one person from that city was on the right path, therefore, he went to Jannat, and the rest were cursed by Allah.
2. The real success is in Akhirat
The same story teaches us another lesson of being steadfast in the way of Allah and not in worldly matters in such a way as to forget the hard work in the way of Allah to become successful in akhirat. From this surah, we learn that the person was slain for Allah’s sake, but he was rewarded with Jannat forever, which is the real success. To ease your way into Jannat, read Dua e Qunoot.
3. Allah’s Signs are All Around Us
This great surah of the Quran mainly describes the signs of Allah’s existence in this universe. Unfortunately, we have taken this universe and the blessings of Allah SWT for granted. Allah (The Lord) has created this universe and has produced the signs for the believers to pray and worship Him. Indeed, the turning of the day into night, the rise of the sun in the day, the appearance of the moon and stars at night, and many other things are signs that reveal to us that Allah is everywhere, and He is commanding and ruling this entire universe.
In conclusion, Surah Yaseen is a lighthouse of spiritual guidance and divine light in the Holy Quran. Its teachings educate believers to understand the oneness of Allah, the results of deviating from Islamic laws, and the ultimate reward for firm belief. The surah has many benefits, including rewards for various life situations, highlighting its significance in the lives of Muslims.
Through several quotes and recommended times for recitation, Surah Yaseen reflects Islamic values, offering satisfaction, tranquillity, and a source of strength. Its worthy lessons on individual conviction, the true image of success, and the omnipresent signs of Allah in the universe leave an evergreen impact. As believers recite Surah Yaseen, it not only enhances their belief but also gives them a spiritual guide for the rest of their lives.