Surah Yaseen in Rabiul Awwal

The Significance of Surah Yaseen In Rabiul Awwal | Explore its Benefits & Wazifa

The 3rd month in the Islamic calendar, the holy month of Rabi ul Awwal marks the birth of Hazrat Mohammad SAW. This month comes after Moharram, and Safar before Rabi Al-Thani. Rabiul Awwal 2024, may start from the 4th to the 5th of September 2024 (When Rabiul Awwal moon is sighted). The 12th Rabiul Awwal 2024 may be on the 14th or 15th of September 2024.

Muslims from all parts of the world offer prayers, recitations, and other charitable acts this month. When it comes to reciting the Quran, the recitation of surah Yaseen in Rabiul Awwal can be very beneficial.

What is the meaning Word Rabiul Awwal?

Rabiul Awal is an Arabic word that means the ”First Spring”.It was with the arrival (Birth) of Hazrat Mohammad SAW into this world, that blessings started for the entire Muslim Ummah.

The Importance of Rabiul Awwal

The importance of this sacred month is reckoned by the fact that Allah Chose this month to bless this world with Hazrat Mohammad SAW. The significant events that make this sacred month special for muslims are as follows.

Birth Of Hazrat Mohammad SAW

According to many reports and traditions, it was the 12th of Rabiul Awwal when the Holy Prophet [SAW] was born in the Holy City of Makkah. It is opined that it was the Monday when Hazrat Amina Bibi (Mother Of Holy Prophet SAW), gave birth to the most beloved Messenger of Allah.

Hijrah Of Hazrat Mohammad SAW

Hijrah means migration or leaving a place or an Area for another. In Islamic history, Hijarah is marked by the event when He(SAW) left Makkah for  Madina, along with his companion Hazrat Abu Bakr RA. It was the time when they faced great troubles and opposition from pagans while preaching Islam.

Death Of Hazrat Mohammad SAW

The Waffat(Passing Away) of Hazrat Mohammad SAW also took place in this holy month. Before his death, Hazrat MOhammad SAW addressed his people in the mosque saying,’’ There is a slave amongst the slaves of God to whom God has offered the choice between this world and that which is with Him, and the slave has chosen that which is with God ’’.

Virtues of Rabiul Awwal 

Maah e Rabiul Awwal(Month of Rabiul Awwal) has so many blessings and virtues, some of which are as follows.

Spiritual Reflection

Rabiul Awwal reminds us to follow the footprints of Hazrat Mohammad SAW and understand the lessons of Islam to enhance their spiritual power.

For Blessings and Rewards

This month is a great opportunity for muslims to please Allah while praising and exalting  His beloved messenger SAW. Therefore Muslims pay sautation and Honor to Hazrat Mohammad  SAW, in Rabiul Awwal.


Hazrat Mohammad SAW was sent to this world as Rahmatu Lil Alameen(Mercy For All Worlds) as He will offer intercession for his Ummah on the day of judgment. Therefore this month is celebrated by showering darood o Salam on Imam ul Ambiaa SAW (Chief of all the prophets).

The mission of Hazrat Mohammad SAW

 This month teaches us to follow the Sunnah which ultimately leads us to believe in Monoetism, the day of judgment and faith building. This sacred month offers a reminder to reflect upon the legacy and Holy mission of Hazrat Mohammad SAW.

Why to recite  Surah Yaseen?

Yaseen Shareef is one of the most valued and highly recited chapters of the Quran. It is also termed as Heart of the Holy quran. This surah offers the most spiritually desired benefits to the reciters, like blessings in this life, in life after death, and intercession of Hazrat Mohammad SAW on the day of judgment.

wazifa of Surah Yaseen in Rabiul Awwal?

It is believed that reciting Ayat 82 of Surah Yaseen in the month of Rabiul Awwal is very beneficial for the fulfillment of all valid desires and needs. This wazifa should be recited on any day of this blessed month or the 12th Rabiul Awwal. it should be recited in the following steps.

  • Recite Darood e  Ebrahimi 17 times.
  • Read Astaghfar 313 times to seek the forgiveness of Allah.
  • Read  ayat 82 of surah yaseen 100 times.
  • Recite Darood Ebrahimi again 17 times.
  • Ask Dua to Allah SWT for your desires, Insha Allah, it will be fulfilled.

Note: The recommended time of this wazifa is after performing the Isha prayer.

 Rabiul Awwal is important for Muslims because in this month Holy Prophet SAW, the chief of all the prophets, was born. He SAW is entitled as Rahmatul lil Alameen.

The birth of Hazrat Mohammad SAW took place in Rabiul Awwal, possibly on the 12th of this Holy month.

The Arabic word Rabiul Awwal means ”First Spring”, which highlights blessings and pleasures for Muslim Ummah.

 Not only his birth, but the hijrah of the holy prophet SAW along with his companion Hazrat Abu Bakr RA, from Makkah to Madina, and also his death took place in this Holy month.

It is the Ayat 82 (Second last ayat) of Surah Yaseen which is recited in the wazifa of Surah Yaseen in Rabiul Awwal.


Rabiul Awwal is a month of great significance in the Islamic calendar, as it marks the most important events and incidents in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The birth, Hijrah, and Death of the Holy Prophet SAW happened in this month which Highlights its value in Islam.

This month provides a valuable opportunity for muslims across the globe to offer salutation, Darood o Salam, and pay Honor to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. In this, we are reminded to reflect the sublime character and Sunnah of our Holy Prophet SAW, as the best example to live our lives.

Recitation and prayers this month are of great reward and Thawab. The wazifa of surah Yaseen in Rabiul Awwal is one of the supplications that is said to solve many problems and fulfill our valid desires. Therefore we should offer our best in revering our holy prophet SAW in this blessed month.

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