surah mulk written in middle of an image of Quran and kaaba

Surah Mulk ( سورة المُلک): The best companion in the grave

Are you someone who contemplates the purpose of your creation? Do you believe in life after death and the rewards of noble deeds in Jannah? Surah Mulk is one of the Quranic surahs that talks about the creation of Heaven and the Earth. This chapter also discusses life as an examination of our deeds. It mentions ” Death ”as our ultimate end.

It is a Macci surah at number 67th which contains 30 Ayats,337 words, 2 Rukus, and 1316 letters. This surah is a blessing for true believers of Allah and a warning to disbelievers. If you want to strengthen your faith, succeed in Akhirah, and have a peaceful journey in the grave, this blog post is for you.

Also re following chapter of the Quran

Name Of The SurahNumber Of AyatsNumber Of wordsNumber Of Rukus
Surah Mulk303372

Listen to the audio of Surah Mulk

Importance of Surah e Mulk

This surah focuses more on why Allah created us, what should we do in life and what will occur in eternal life.? It also emphasizes the death, and accountability of our actions in Akhirat. It also describes that Allah SWT created the earth and heaven. It warns Muslims about the fire of Jahannam(The Hell). It educates us that Allah is aware of all our deeds both hidden and revealed. No doubt Allah SWT is omnipotent and has the power to control everything that we know and do not know.

Benefits of reciting Surah Al-Mulk

Reciting surah Mulk brings so many blessings and benefits. There is a huge list of advantages that the reciters of this chapter receive. Some of the most prominent ones are as follows.

Learn the benefits of sura Waqea, Sura e Kosar, and Sora e Al Muzammil

Multiple times benefits

There are many benefits to reading this surah. This surah was very regularly recited by our Holy prophet Saw. According to the Holy Prophet SAW, this chapter should be read frequently and is very important to recite. He SAW stressed more on reading this surah to such an extent that if it is hard to recite a complete chapter then at least one must recite some of its Ayats. There are 1300 Huroof (letters) in this surah and reading the entire surah bestows 13000 virtues. In fajr time, recite Surah Yaaseeen

It is narrated by Mohammad bin Ka’”b Al-Qurazi:

[“I heard ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “Whoever recites a letter from Allah’s Book, then he receives the reward from it, and the reward of ten the likes of it. I do not say that Alif Laam Meem is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Laam is a letter and Meem is a letter.]

Protection in The Grave

An image of grave,lit by candle light surrounding it

According to an Arab jurist Ibn Shihab, this surah is called ”The disputer ”. This is so because this surah will protect us in the grave when we are questioned by Nakir and Munkar the two angels. The blessing in such hard times shows the value and virtue of this surah. It is a great source of clearing our brains from bad and sinful imaginations. It brings you closer to Allah SWT.

Holy prophet SAW said:

[“It (Surah Al Mulk) is a protector; a rescuer; saving from the chastisement of the grave.”]

[‘Whoever reads Tabarak Allazee Biyadihil Mulk Surah every night, Allah SWT avoids him from the grave’s torment, and in the past we (the companions) when the Messenger (PBUH) (still alive) called it by the name, “Al-Mani’ah”]

Exalt the beloved Prophet SAW by reading :

Protection during sleep

It is very beneficial to recite this chapter before sleep. Stuffing our minds with listening to music and other sinful stuff pollutes our minds with depression and worries. Reading this surah keeps you safe and sound during sleep. It protects us from all kinds of evils and bad things which can harm us.

When we recite this surah at night, Allah sends an angel for our safety for the entire night. For those who are firm believers, there are great and matchless benefits of reading this chapter. It is told by Hazrat Jabir [RA] that:

[“The Prophet (PBUH) would not sleep until he recited surah Alif laam meem Tanzeel (Surah Sajdah) and Surah Tabarak] (Surah Al Mulk).

Blessing on the day of resurrection

The greatest reward for reading this surah is that you will enter Jannah. On the day of judgment, this surah will provide intercession regarding accountability for our actions. This great surah will offer a special concession in the pardoning of your sins from Allah on the day of resurrection. This surah has the power to bless you with the mercy of Allah in hard times.

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said:

[“There is a chapter of the Quran that will argue on behalf of its reciter until it causes him to enter into Paradise. It is: (Blessed be He in Whose Hand is the dominion) that is Surah Al Mulk.”]

Strengthen Your Faith

These days when anxiety and worldly worries are very common; this surah should be recited regularly to have a firm belief and faith in Allah. Reading and understanding this surah provides an understanding of the purpose of life. It serves as a great source of linking us to Allah SWT. The more you understand its meaning the more it strengthens your iman and faith

It is strongly advised to read this surah and advise our family members and children to recite it. It serves to demand salvation from the Creator. This is a very sublime surah of the Quran which will keep you away from sins and will grant piety from Allah.

Abdullah ibn Abbas (R.A) said:

[“Personally, recite Surah Al Mulk and teach it to your wife, children, and to all the other children who live in your home, and even to your neighbors because it is that which grants salvation, and it will firmly demand (for your) salvation from Allah.]

Forgiveness of sins

Reading surah Mulk with firm belief will make sure that our sins will be forgiven on the day of Akhirat. Therefore it is highly recommendable to be recited frequently.

Lessons Of Surah Mulk

This sublime surah imparts several valuable lessons to Muslims which serve as a beacon of hope in lives. Some of the most important ones are listed below.

Allah is the supreme power

The foremost lesson of this surah is that it makes us believe that Allah SWT has the power and hold on everything we do. He is aware of all our actions whether concealed or obvious. Therefore it educates us to fear Allah.

Ask Allah by reciting :

Remember the blessings

As mentioned above there are numerous blessings of reciting this chapter. It teaches us to be grateful to Allah for His mercy and kindness.

Purpose of Life

Another important lesson of this surah is that it provides recognition of the purpose of life. It teaches us that we should not wander aimlessly but follow the teaching of Islam, and be grateful to Allah SWT.


This surah offers an opportunity to ponder over the Creation of this universe. As mentioned in this surah Allah created Heaven and Earth makes us contemplate the greatness of Allah.

Remember the Death

This surah teaches us to remember death. It reminds us of the torments of the grave. We become fearful of the punishment of sins and perform good and noble deeds. Therefore this surah brings us great energy to worship and pray to Allah.


Reading this surah makes us aware of the temporal nature of this life. Therefore it teaches us not to indulge too much in the luxuries of this world. It imparts the lesson of humbleness and piety.


This is the first surah in parah number 29.

This surah contains 30 verses.

It is best to read Surah Mulk at night time before sleep.

Surah Mulk is regarded as the best companion in the grave because it offers great protection from the torments of the grave.

This surah is at number 67th in the Quran.

To sum up, this surah holds a high position among Quranic chapters because of its numerous benefits. Its blessing in the grave and pardoning of sins on the day of judgment is indeed a huge reward for reading this surah. Not only rewards but the lessons, that it teaches, serve as guidance for all Muslims. It is the source of success in this world and Akhirah. Being highly recommended by our Holy Prophet SAW, it should be recited daily by all of us.

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