Surah fatiha written on an image of mosque in the desert with crescent and star looking in the sky

The Significance and Meaning of Surah Fatiha(ٱلْفَاتِحَة‎)

Are you looking for spiritual purification and treatment of ailments with the Holy Words of  Allah SWT? If you are not very sharp at memorizing the long verses of the Quran, even then you can find a solution to your problems if you perform prayer five times a day.

Surah Fatiha is the very first chapter of the Quran and the essential part of prayer(Salah). The importance of this chapter can be reckoned by knowing that it is recited in every obligatory Namaz. Without reading this surah, Salath is null and void. The surah contains 7 verses,25 words, and is located before Al-Baqarah. Also, learn Dua e qunoot

It is not only read in prayer but also on many occasions. Al-Fatiha is read as Dua (plea) to seek blessings for newlywed couples as well as for the eternal peace of the deceased ones. It is also recited mainly for curing all kinds of diseases when read with firm belief and puffed on the patient.

Name Of SurahNumber Of AyatsNumber Of WordsLocated In
Al-Fatiha7251st Parah

Listen to the audio of Surah Fatiha

Revelation Of Al-Fatiha

The reason for revealing this surah is related to a story narrated by Hazrat Ali RA. He said when Holy Prophet SAW would go out, He would hear a voice calling Him’O Mohammad SAW”.When the Messenger SAW heard the voice, the person would run away. Then, Warqa bin Nofal advised Him to listen to that voice and stay firm. When the caller called Him again, the prophet SAW replied”Here I am”.At this, the caller started reciting Sura Fatiha.

According to many traditions, and opinions of religious scholars, revelation of this surah took place in Mecca. Though some opine that it was revealed in Madina, but majority believe that it was revealed in Mecca Sharif.

Importance and Virtues Of surah Fatiha

Surah Fatiha is considered the most important pillar of Namaz. It is the most compulsory part of Prayer, and without its recitation, our prayer is not valid. The greatness of this surah is that it deals with the most fundamental beliefs of Islam such as the Oneness of Allah asking only Him for Help, and seeking His guidance. The key points which relate to its virtues are listed below.

  • This surah marks the opening of the Quran and is the Mother of the Quran. Therefore this surah is called Ummul Kitab.
  • This chapter is recited also as supplication because it invokes the mercy and guidance of Allah SWT. The surah also contains a plea for the pardoning of sins and direction toward the right path.
  • This surah is important because it helps to comprehend the Quran and the attributes of Allah. Understanding this chapter enables us to know that Allah Is Rahman(merciful), and Rahim(The most kind).
  • One of the prominent aspects of this surah is that it is recited for treating many of the diseases. It has been helping us in getting rid of different ailments.

Names of Surah Fatiha

This chapter of the Quran holds the first number in the order of Quranic chapters. This is so because of its title “Fatiha” which means the unfastener or the is known that there are more than 30 titles used if different Hadith out of which some are given in the following list. Read Sura e Yassin (The Heart Of The Quran).

  • Umm Al-Kitab: This means the mother of the book. it simply denotes the importance of this splendid surah.
  • Shifa: it means cure or is so because this surah has the power to treat all sorts of ailments. 
  • Kafiya: it means ample which denotes that many blessings are rewarded by reading this surah. 
  • Wafiya: The meaning of this title/name is the complete one. denotes that all kinds of virtues are there in these surahs.
  •  Dua: This means the prayer. This is so because Alfatiha is read as dua whenever well-being or good wishes and blessings are sought. For dua of mercy read
  • Aadham al-Surah: it means the superlative degree. It refers to its value and importance.

The Seven Oft-Repeated Verses

This surah is comprised of the most famous seven Ayats which are read in every prayer. According to the calculation, Fardh(Obligatory) Salah is performed every 24 hours, making this recitation 17 times. It is indeed a large number of recitations for a Quranic surah on a daily basis.. Allah SWT  has called this surah “The seven oft-repeated verses”.

For daily recitation, “And We have certainly given you, [O Muhammad], seven of the often repeated [verses] and the great Qur’an.” (Quran 15:87)

Translation of Surah Fatiha

1. ” In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful ”.

2 ” All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds ”.

3. ” The Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful ”.

4. ” Master of the Day of Judgment ”.

5 . ” You Alone we worship, and you Alone we ask for help ”.

6 ” Guide us to the straight path ”.

7. ” The path of those You have blessed; not of those who have incurred Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray ”.

This surah has a very significant place in Islam. There are some highly beneficial facts about this surah. Their details are given below.

Surah Fatiha as a Cure

This surah serves as a cure for all diseases. This is a tried and tested treatment by many when read with clear intentions and firm belief and is the remedy for many ailments. Abu Said Al-Khudri narrated that some of the companions of the Prophet SAW once embarked on a journey while they had to spend a night with some tribesmen of Arabia.

Unfortunately, the chief of the tribe suffered a snake bite which was unable to be cured.   Meanwhile, the tribesmen came to the companions of the Holy Prophet SAW for help. One of the companions (Sahaba RA) read This surah for treatment which worked as a cure and the chief was treated satisfactorily.

The matter was reported to Holy Prophet SAW, He SAW said, “How did you know that Al-Fatiha is recited as Ruqya [cure]? You have done the right thing…” The Prophet SAW smiled thereupon. (Bukhari).

light of fireworks over a mosque

This surah, indeed, is one of two lights(Great blessings) gifted to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. The first is the last couple of Ayats of Surah Al Baqarah and the second is Surah Al-Fatiha.  This great news was Once brought to Him by one of the Angels of Allah SWT, which says  “Receive the glad tidings of the two lights that you have been given, which no other prophet before you was given: the Opening of the Book (Al-Fatiha), and the last verses of surah Baqarah. You will not read a letter of them except that you will gain its benefit.” (Muslim)

The Prophet ﷺ once said, “Shall I teach you the greatest surah in the Quran before you come out of the mosque? It is Alhamdu lillahi Rabbil-Alamin [Surah Al-Fatiha] which is As-Sab’ Al Mathani [the seven oft-repeated ones] and the Great Quran which is given to me.” (Bukhari)

Surah Al-Fatiha is also one of the “two lights” bestowed upon the Prophet ﷺ. He was informed by Allah through an angel: “Receive the glad tidings of the two lights that you have been given, which no other prophet before you was given: the Opening of the Book (Al-Fatiha) and the last verses of Al-Baqarah. You will not read a letter from them except that you will gain its benefit.” (Muslim).

Another hadith describes Surah Al-Fatiha as a shield to ward off evil. (Abu Dawud)

Surah Fatiha sums up the great message of the Quran e Majeed. In this surah, there is an emphasis on Touhid (Monoethism) and the submission and loyalty shown to Allah the Almighty. The essence of this surah lies in the fact we are nothing and very humble. Anything we have or we can is only because of Allah SWT  who is our Creator and Lord. Here we are with the verse-by-verse explanation of this chapter.

1. ” In the Name of Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful

This is called Tasmia which we utter before reciting Quran Majeed or reading any prayer or Holy Text. The significance of reading this Ayat /Verse is that it brings Allah’s mercy, help, and guidance. This highlights how Merciful and Loving our Lord is, and that every virtuous thing starts with this reading. It also shows that His love and mercy come over His anger and displeasure.

2. All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds, denotes that Allah SWT is omnipotent and the creator of this universe. We are His subjects and He is our Lord. All the praises and reverence are to be paid to Allah SWT.

3. ” The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful ”

This part of the surah refers to His mercy and love for His subjects.

4. ” Master of the Day of Judgment

It means that a day will come when Allah SWT  will reward every one of us for all the deeds that we have committed in our lives. Certainly, Allah is the owner of the Day of Judgment. On that day, the doers of good actions will enter Jannat(Paradise) and the bad doers will face Jahannam (Hell).

5. ” You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help ”

This ayat serves as proof that adding anyone to his power or authority(shirk) is an unpardonable sin. The ultimate help comes from Almighty Allah only. It also means that only Allah SWT is to be worshipped and no Prophet, Malaika, or saint can equal Allah. All has to appear before Allah and only He is the creator.

6. ” Guide us along the Straight Path

This is a very important ayat of this surah. In this ayat, we seek guidance, direction, and help from Allah SWT when it comes to the stimulus of fas. (worldly and physical desires which make us commit sins). By reading this ayat we show our loyalty to Almighty Allah that we will not deviate from the right path.

7. ” The Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray ”

In this Ayat, we pray and beg Allah SWT that we do not have the power or ability to be guided by ourselves in our actions and deeds. Here, we show our intent to do noble deeds; for this, we seek Your direction and light (guidance). We also beg Allah to protect us from deviating from the right path so that we avoid the displeasure of Allah because those who are astray will certainly enter Jahannam (Hell).

A woman reciting Holy Quran

The Hadith given below throws light on the importance of this surah and teaches us to fulfill the commitment we make by reciting this chapter.

Abu Hurayra reported that the Prophet ﷺ once said:

“Allah, the Glorious and Exalted, said, ‘I have divided the prayer between Myself and my servant equally, and My servant shall be granted what he asked for.’ Therefore, when the servant says, ‘All praise is for Allah—Lord of all worlds.’, Allah says, ‘My servant has praised Me.’ When he says, ‘The Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,’ Allah says, ‘My servant has extolled Me.’ When he says, ‘Master of the Day of Judgment,’ Allah says, ‘My servant has glorified Me.’ When he says, ‘You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help,’ Allah says, ‘This is between Me and My servant, and My servant shall have what he requested.’ When he says, ‘Guide us along the Straight Path, the Path of those You have blessed—not those You are displeased with, or those who are astray,’ Allah says, ‘This is for My servant, and My servant shall have what he asked for.’” (Muslim)

To sum up, Surah Al-Fatiha, the starting chapter of the Quran, is of very great value and importance and is regarded as the foundation of Islamic prayers. Its praising names depict its importance, such as “Umm Al-Kitab” (Mother of the Book). Recited in every prayer, it highlights the oneness of Allah, His mercy, and the final accountability on (Youmi Akhirat) the Day of Judgment.

The seven Ayats of Surah Al-Fatiha, known as “The Seven Oft-Repeated Verses,” explain the in-depth meanings, of seeking Allah’s guidance, mercy, and protection from polyetheism. It is considered a cure for diseases, as mentioned in the Hadith where it successfully treated a snakebite. The surah is regarded as one of the two lights granted to Prophet Muhammad, emphasizing its exalted value.

The verse-by-verse explanation demonstrates the theme of monotheism, acknowledgment of Allah as the Creator, and the prayer for guidance along the right path. It serves as a reminder of our dependence on Allah and the importance of staying on the righteous path.

The article concludes with a Hadith illustrating how Allah responds to the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha, emphasizing the reciprocal nature of the prayer. Overall, the surah is not only a basic part of Islamic prayers but also a source of divine light, healing, and spiritual connection for true believers.

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