Blessings of Darood Akbar written on an image of Masjid e Nabwi and Quran

Darood Akbar(درود اکبر): Recitation for Maximum Spiritual Benefits

Darood Akbar is recited to show spiritual love and reverence to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. It is a source of divine connection with Allah and His prophet SAW. It is recited to stay blessed by Allah and get huge rewards on the day of judgment. This Darood is called ” Akbar ” meaning” Great ”because it’s long in size, and contains all the beautiful sifaat(Exalted Qualities) of prophet Mohammad SAW.

Listen to Darood Akbar audio

Harf e Nida

The beginning of this Darood is done with the use of Harf e Nida. It is to respectfully use the pronoun “Ya” to Hazrat Mohammed SAW. Nida harf aims to call and ask Allah to bless the Holy Prophet SAW. It should be recited out of deep love and reverence.

Meaing Of Darood Akbar

Darood e Akbar is also called salat e Kubra. The meaning of ”Darood Akbar” is a Salawat which is great or huge in size. This Darood mentions all the praising names of the Holy Prophet SAW.

Historical Background

Am image of Dates placed near Holy Quran  In  a candle light background

Reciting this Darrod is very common in the Muslim world, especially in Asian countries like Pakistan and India.  Reading and sending Darood o Salam upon the Holy Prophet SAW is of great value and reward in Islam because we will seek His[SAW] intercession on the day of Judgment.

In Surah Ahzab Of the holy Quran Allah SWT says:

[“Indeed, Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace.”]

 [33: 56]

This Darood or supplication is highly preferred and recommended by Islamic saints and religious scholars for its unique and significant blessings.

Benefits Of Darood Akbar

Reciting this Darood is a source of many benefits and blessings. Some of the great benefits are as follows.

  • It is believed that reciting this Darood on Thursday night after Isha prayer, while wearing a clean-scented dress, blesses you with the ziarat of  Hazrat Mohammad SAW.
  • It is a great source of curing diseases. Many of the believers recite this darood for the treatment of their ailments.
  • It is recited for elevating your spirit and getting in contact with the divine
  • It brings harmony satisfaction and peace in your life.
  • Reciting this Darood will bring you intercession from Hazrat Mohammad SAW on the day of Qiamah.
  • Regular reciting this Darood cleans and purifies our hearts and brains.
  • It increases our love for Allah and His Prophet SAW.
  • It offers great safety from bad times, troubles, disasters, and calamities.
  • It brings a high reward to Jannah.
  • It is also read for fulfilling our Hajats and desires.

 Wazifa Of Darood Akbar

Image of Quran and Tasbeeh for recitation of wazifa

Reciting 3 Times

Reciting this Darood once after the fajr prayer and 3 times after the isha prayer forgives our sins(big and small) by Allah. Read Yaseen Sharif after Fajr prayer

Reciting 7 times

To remove calamities and demonic effects recite this Darood 7 times blow on water and make the affected person drink for Shifa(Cure).

Reciting for removing Jinnat

Reciting this wazifa for 41 days once at a place occupied by Jinn will evacuate the place from Jinnat.

Reciting for freedom

Reading this wazifa for 11 consistent nights will free you from the cruelty of a dictator or a cruel ruler.

Rules for reciting Darood e Akbar

Reciting this needs to follow the rules which are listed below

  • Do wudhu(Ablution) in properly.
  • Sit in a calm and isolated place and make a strong Niyyah. (intent)
  • Recite it on Thursday night or Friday during the day.
  • Recite this Darood as much as possible for maximum reward.
  • Start and end the wazifa by exalting the Holy names of Allah.
  • Give priority to reciting with respect, and do not focus on quantity.


Darood e Akbar is a salutation and salam offered to praise Hazrat Mohammad contains all the great and lovely attributes of Hazrat Mohammad SAW.

It is called Darood e Akbar because of its great length and its coverage and inclusion of Asmai Nabwi.

Harf e Nida refers to Calling upon Allah SWT to bless Hazrat Muhammad SAW, at the start of reciting this Darood. It shows great respect and love for Hazrat Mohammad SAW.

The benefits of Darood Akbar include blessings and rewards in Jannat as well as in this world. It offers protection from calamities, diseases, and demonic effects.

The best time to recite darood akbar is on Thursday night after the isha prayer or on Friday after fajr namaz

All it needs to recite this darood is a clean and neat body and dress. An honest heart with a clear intent, and concentration. It is much better to wear a nice fragranced dress while reciting this Darood.

To conclude, Darood e Akbar is a powerful and sublime Darood that holds profound significance in Islamic tradition. By reciting it with reverence and devotion, Muslims can elevate their spiritual connection with Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (SAW), attain divine blessings, and receive protection from various calamities and problems.

It is encouraged by Islamic saints and scholars, especially on Thursday nights and Fridays, for multiple spiritual and worldly benefits. By following the recommended rules and understanding the profound meanings behind this sacred practice, believers can strengthen their faith and find tranquility, satisfaction, and success in this world as well as in Akhirah.

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