Darood e tanjina written on image of mosque ,blue sky and surah yasin logo ine background.

Darood e Tanjeena(درود تنجینا): Unlocking the Spiritual Benefits

Darood e Tanjeena is the most valuable and frequently read  Dua which contains the Holy and praising names of holy Prophet Muhammad SAW. This wazifa is offered as a special honor paid to Hazrat Mohammad SAW, and a supplication for fulfilling our Hajat and finding a solution to our problems.

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English Translation Darood Tanjina

[“O, Allah! Bestow blessings upon Muhammad (SAW), and his Family, such blessings through which You may relieve us of all anxieties and calamities. You may satisfy all our needs. You may clean us of all evils and thanks for which You may grant us high position and high rank and status in your presence, and You may lead us to the utmost limit of our aspirations and capacity in whatever is best in this world as well as in the world. Hereafter, as you have full power over everything.”]

Importance of Darood e Tanjeena Wazifa

Darood e Tanjeena is a highly rewardable and a Sublime Dua that millions of Muslims read for protection from evil spirits, and disharmony in life as well as for treatment of spiritual and physical diseases. It is also read to fulfill various legitimate desires and remove various bad occurings that can damage one’s health, and life in many aspects. Thus it is a very fruitful Dua to avail peace, harmony, and satisfaction.

Read the greatest Ayat for protection

This Darood is read with great respect and strong belief so that the fulfillment of our goals, purposes, and desires is ensured. It is therefore recommended and strongly advised to utter these Holy verses with great honesty and clear intentions. It should be read with a clean heart and devotion to Allah and his prophet SAW because it is a powerful morale booster and a great source of connection with Allah.

Darood e Tanjeena is the most valuable and frequently read supplication, which contains the Holy and praising names of the Holy Prophet Mohammed SAW. This wazifa is offered as a special honor paid to Hazrat Mohammad SAW for fulfilling our Hajat and finding solutions to our problems. To bless yourself, read the wazifa of Surah Yaseen

This wazifa can bring the cure and treatment of many hidden and obvious injuries and diseases both physical and spiritual. There are a huge number of Muslims all over the world who read this holy Text to get rid of different mysterious diseases and infections/inflictions. For healing of your heart read Surah Rahman

Benefits of Darood e Tanjeena Wazifa

There are numerous benefits to reading this wonderful Dua.

  • This darood is a great source of tranquillity of the brain and spiritual purification.
  • It provides a great power to fight hopelessness and depression.
  • This darood when recited with firm conviction and faith, makes you achieve your goal in trying times.
  • Reading this holy text brings help from Almighty Allah when you are in trouble or hardships.
  • It provides safety from your enemies. For protection against the evil eye and harm read the last 2 ayats of surah Baqarah
  • Those who read this Darood are favored by Allah with His kindness and love.
  • The reader of this kalam gets a huge reward in Akhirat.

Darood e Tanjeena as Wazifa 

Any Holy text that is recited a certain number of times to seek the blessings of Allah or achieve a specific goal/task is called a wazifa. Read also Darood e Taj

Darood e Tanjeena as a wazifa is read in different numbers for the fulfillment of different purposes.

It is mainly recited for the following purposes.

  • For job
  • For hajat
  • For marriage

Darood e tanjeena For Job

Follow the steps below to perform the Darood E Tanjeena Wazifa for the job.

A job seeking person, searching for a  job in a tablet
  • To do ablution that your body and spirit both are cleaned
  • This wazifa  should be performed in a peaceful and calm place
  • Begin this  kalam with Tasmia(Bismillahir rahman ir rahim)
  • Read darood e Ibrahimi for 11 times.
  • Read Darood e  Tanjeena for  Three hundred and thirteen times with great attention and dedication.
  • After completing this ,read again darood e Ibrahimi 11 times to finish wazifa.
  • Finally,raise your hands for dua to Allah SWT  to fulfil your purpose.

Note: Read this Dua with devotion, firm belief, and clear intentions and our desires and needs will be fulfilled with the will of Allah SWT.

Darood e Tanjeena for Hajat

Darood e Tanjina is recited commonly for the fulfillment of our needs(Hajat) as Man is always in search of progress and flourishing. There are different things that the man is trying to achieve. Any legitimate need /desire can be fulfilled by reading this Durood with due veneration. For increasing wealth, read Sura Waqiah

The steps to perform this wazifa for Hajat are as follows:

  • First of all, get abluted (to do wudu).
  • Find a neat and clean place where you are at peace and not interrupted by anyone
  • Read Darood e Ebrahimi (Darood Sharif) 3  times.
  • Read Darood e Tanjina 7 times.
  • Read Darood e pak 3 times.
  • Finally, pray to Allah for the fulfillment of your Hajat.

Note: You may continuously recite this wazifa in the same fashion until your Hajat is fulfilled. You can keep reading this wazifa for 40 Days to get your goal accomplished.

Darood E Tanjeena Wazifa For Marriage

An Image of newly wed couple in wedding dress

Marriage is one of the most basic and important obligations in the Religion of Islam. It is also one of the needs of both men and women according to the law of nature. Therefore reading this wazifa to get a perfect match as a life partner is very beneficial.

The steps to perform this wazifa for finding the perfect match, are given below.

Steps To Recite Darood e Tanjeena Wazifa For Marriage

  • Ablute yourself first of All
  • Place yourself in a calm and clean place
  • Begin reading Darood Sharif (Darood e Ibrahimi) 11  times.
  • Recite Darood e Tanjeena for 1000 times
  • Recite Darood e Tanjeena for 1000 times
  • End your wazifa by reading Darood e pak 11 times in the end.
  • Finally, make Dua to your Allah for your purpose.

Note: Try to read this particular wazifa at night time and keep faith and conviction so that you will find the solution to your problem.


Yes. One must do wudu before reading this wazifa.

It is better to read this darood at night time.

For reading this wazifa, you should place yourself in a calm and clean place.

Both physical and spiritual ailments are treated by reading this Darood.

To conclude, this sacred text has brought a huge change in the lives of millions. This Dua is aimed at curing all diseases both physical and spiritual. This dua is recited as great supplication for fulfilling various Hjajats(needs) like searching for a life partner and seeking livelihood sources. Darood e Tanjina is recited at different times to fulfill different purposes in different patterns.

sincerity, devotion, a clear intention, and proper ablution are the basic steps to proceed with the wazifa of this Darood. With its splendid and powerful effect, this dua enables one to connect with Allah as a great source of success.

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