Darood Sharif blessings written on an image of mosque and arabic logo of surah yaseen

Purify your Soul: Embrace the Grace Of Darood Sharif(درود شریف)

If you are a true believer of Allah then you must know that loving and exalting His messenger SAW is indeed loving Allah. Saying Darood Sharif or Darood e Ebrahimi is a recitation offered in namaz(Salah), while in the final sitting position, and a salam(salutation)upon the prophet Mohammad SAW, and his family.

Recite Qul surah shareef in prayer after al-Fatiha

This salutation is paid by Muslims to bless themselves for spiritual highness and greater rewards in Jannat. It is a way of enhancing your iman and getting your sins forgiven by Allah. In this article, we will discuss the importance, blessings, and rewards of reciting this supplication.

Meaning and history of Darood Sharef

The Meaning of Darood Sharif is tranquility and safety. It is recited to pay honor and respect to Hazrat Mohammad SAW and His family. It is read very commonly in the Muslim world for blessings and mercy of Allah. It was revealed in the days of Hazrat Mohammad SAW when the Holy prophet SAW instructed His companions to read this Darood. This salat was made known among sahabah which is recited by millions of Muslims as a respect and salutation for getting rewards in this world and akhirah. For blessings, of Allah read Surah Yaaseen

Importance Of Darood Sharif

Recitation of Darood Sharif is very important for every Muslim. It is the basic part of our iman to show dignity and reverence to our holy prophet SAW. This prayer or supplication holds a high place in Islam. It is read to present honor and love to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. It is offered to strengthen our belief and connection with Allah. It is a great source of transforming our lives and enhancing our spiritual level.

Darood Sharif in Arabic

“اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد کما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد کما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل ”.إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد 

Transliteration Of Darood shareef

[‘Allahumma salli ala Muhammadiw wa ala aali Muhammadin kama sall’aita ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahima inna’ka hamidum majeed.  Allahumma barik ala Muhammadiw wa ala aali Muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala aali Ibrahima inna’ka hamidum majeed.” ]

Translation Of Darood sharif

[“O Allah, send your favor upon Muhammadﷺ and upon the family of Muhammadﷺ, as You sent favor upon Ibrahim and upon the family of Ibrahim. You are indeed praiseworthy, glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammadﷺ and the family of Muhammadﷺ, as You blessed Ibrahim and the family of Ibrahim. You are indeed praiseworthy, glorious.”]

The Short Version of Darud Sharif

Darood Shareef can be read in its shorter version as we say ”Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Aalihi Wa Salam” in English. Every Muslim must say this Darood when the name” Mohammad(peace be upon Him) is mentioned. Reading this supplication brings the blessing and company of Allah SAW. The more you recite this, the closer you feel to Allah SWT.

Short Darood in Arabic is written as:

صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم“

Benefits of Darood Sharif

The benefits and virtues of reciting Darood Sharif are numerous. Some of the most prominent and common benefits are listed below.

Reward Of Jannat

Reciting  Darood Sharif leads your way to Jannat because it removes and cleans the sins committed by us. It softens our hearts and makes them inclined to perform noble and good deeds. The more you read it, the more you get blessings and rewards in paradise.

Protection from Hell

Recitation of Darood Shareef offers protection from the fire of Jahannam(Hellfire). It is a great way of pleasing Allah. Reading this Darood regularly removes the displeasure and anger of Allah. It is said that the reciter of this Darood will cross the Surat bridge (the bridge over hell leading to Jannat) with great ease.

Closeness to Allah Almighty

To get connected with Allah SWT and follow His commands, we must read this supplication and offer to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. This Salutation is offered by Allah SWT and His malaika upon the Holy prophet SAW.

Also, recite Kalmas for connection with Allah

Company Of Holy Prophet SAW

A night image of Masjid e Nabwi SAW against a partially clouded sky

One of the great benefits of reciting this Darood is to get the company and favor of the Holy Prophet SAW  in Akhirah. The highest number of recitations means the maximum number of rewards and blessings.

Reciting Durood Sharif on Friday

The rewards of reading this Darood on Juma Mubarik( Blessed Friday) are phenomenal. This Greeting is paid and presented directly to the Holy prophet SAW. It is the saying of Hazrat Mohammad SAW that:

[“On Friday, send Durood abundantly to me, as it is presented before me.” ]

Greatest Rewards from Allah Almighty

A Muslim who reads this Darood one time is bestowed with ten rewards by Allah SWT.it is in a Hadith that says:

[“Whoever supplicates Allah to exalt for me, Allah would exalt him ten times’’].

Multiple Blessings

Reciting this Darood in fajr and maghrib time ten times each will grant the help and intercession by Hazrat Mohammad SAW on the day of akhirat(Last day). It is normally recited after saying an obligatory prayer before starting your Dua.

Do recite these supplications also :

Unity among the Muslims

A group of muslims at sajdah in a mosque

This supplication is a great source of increasing the spirit of brotherhood and affection in the muslims world. It conveys a message of unity and respect among Muslim ummah. Therefore millions of Muslims recite this Darood daily. It brings phenomenal peace and satisfaction to the heart.

 Forgiveness of sins

Not only does this situation offer pardoning of sins, but also helps to protect us from committing them. Reading this Darood enlightens the heart with the mercy of Allah, and we stay blessed and inclined towards virtue rather than evil. Besides, many hardships and difficulties can be eased and solved by reading this salutation. Reciting Darood also helps in safety from our foes.

Acceptance of Supplications

We ask dua and prayer to Allah for acceptance. If you want to make your dua accepted read darood sharif before starting your dua.it is a great way of getting your approval from Allah

Solution of Problems

It should be recited multiple times when we are in trouble and facing miseries. It serves to abolish our issues and bring ease into our lives. Therefore reading this should be part of daily routine. It also saves from starvation and poverty.

Remember Forgotten Things

Reading this supplication helps to recollect lost things that you struggle to remember. Whenever you fail to remember lost ideas or important things, read this Darood, it will help you to recover them.

Fulfillment of Desires

Every man has countless needs, desires, and Hajats. Reading this prayer serves to fulfill our dreams. Reading it for a great number brings special blessings for the achievement of our goals.

Hadith About Darood Sharif

It is narrated by Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas RA that the holy Prophet SAW said:

[“Whoever forgot to recite Durood-e-Pak on me forgot the way to Paradise”]. 

According to Hazrat Abdullah Bin Masud RA, Hazrat Muhammad SAW said:

[“On the Day of Resurrection, the one closest to me will be the one who sent blessings on me the most.”]

Hazrat Abdullah Bin Amr RA Quotes:

[“On the Day of Resurrection, the one closest to me will be the one who sent blessings on me the most”.]

Reciting Darood sharif in Daily Life

For asking Dua

All believers recite this supplication in duas. Every wazifa is started with recitation of this darood. After completing wazifa Darood is recited again. This makes our dua or prayer more powerful and effective.

Daily Recitation

Darood is not limited to prayer only, this should be recited at any time during 24 hours. This is recited for protection, blessing, and spiritual highness. It is believed that reciting darood reaches directly to Hazrat Mohammad SAW.

Honesty and Dedication

Reciting this Darood means reading it from the core of your heart. It requires sincerity and honesty. It connects you completely with the divine and takes reciter to the level of spiritual highness is the moment when your lord does not reject your plea. Therefore it is highly recommended to recite it before asking dua.


It is a slam or salutation paid to Hazrat Mohammad SAW to show our love and respect for Him.

Hazrat Muhammad SAW instructed and advised Sahaba RA to add Darood with salam upon HIM.

Yes, Allah says Darood upon His beloved messenger and orders Malaika (Angels) too, to do so.

It should be recited when the name of Mohammad is recited or uttered.it is to say Sallala ho Alaihi Wa Ali hi Wsallam(Peace Be Upon Him.)

It is recited the most on Jummah Mubarak. (Friday)

To sum up, this recitation is a vital part of our faith and belief. It shows how much love and reverence we pay to Hazrat Mohammad SAW and His worthy family. Its protection from hell fire and leading to Jannat is the desire of every Muslim. It benefits us in every religious and worldly matter. Being a great booster of iman, it should be recited every now and then. indeed this is the love of Allah and His messenger with holds the Muslim ummah together.

To sum up, this recitation is a vital part of our faith and belief. It shows how much love and reverence we pay to Hazrat Mohammad SAW and His worthy family. Its protection from hell fire and leading to Jannat is the desire of every Muslim. It benefits us in every religious and worldly matter. Being a great booster of iman, it should be recited every now and then. indeed this is the love of Allah and His messenger with holds the Muslim ummah together.

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