Surah Muzammil written on image of Mosque

Surah Muzammil(سورۃ المزمل): A Comprehensive Guide to Spiritual Insights

Are you here to follow your dreams or fulfill your legitimate desires by reading the Quranic Surahs? Have you ever imagined how the recitation of the Surah Muzammil can change your physical and spiritual strength? Indeed this is the power of the Sacred verses from the Holy Book of Allah SWT which is the fate changer and a great source of blessings and wealth.


Ayats in Surah MuzammilWords in Surah MuzammilRukus in Surah MuzammilLetters in Surah Muzammil

This surah is in Parah 29th and comes after surah Al Jin. It includes 20  ayats,200 words,2 Rukus, and 854 words. This surah will change your fortune and bless you in meeting the Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW in the dream when you recite it with a clean heart. In this article, you will learn about the meanings of this chapter, its benefits, blessings, virtues, and rewards which are awarded to the reciters. For maximum rewards in Jannah, read Surah Yaseen

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Meaning Of Surah Muzammil

The title of this splendid surah is the praising and metaphorical name of Hazrat Mohammad SAW. The word ”Al Muzammil” means ”Covered in clothes”(Garrments) or ”Enshrouded one”. Allah SWT has used this name for his beloved Prophet SAW in the very first Ayat of this chapter. The  surah opens up with lines in which the Holy Prophet SAW is addressed by Allah” O you who have wrapped up in your garments!” Followed by the actual order: “Stand up (in prayer) at night, but not all the night, – half of it, – or a little less,”.

Watch Video Of Surah Muzammil

Revelation Of Surah Muzammil

This surah is revealed in two parts/sections. The first part includes the 19 verses, which are said to be revealed in the Holy City of Mecca. The next part which consists of the 20th Ayat is said to be revealed in Madina but there are different opinions regarding this fact. Read The best ayat of the Quran.

Details of Sura e Muzammil revelation

The purpose and background of revelation this Surah is based on certain Commands of Allah SWT, and the messages it conveys. Some of the important facts and reasons regarding ”Nuzool”(Revelation) of this chapter are listed below.

An image revealing old  Arabs, travelling on camels

The first section of this chapter of the Quran leads Muslims to convey the message of the religion of Islam. To provide people with clear and complete knowledge of the purpose of being in this world. It instructs you to learn yourself and also to make other Muslim fellows know the message of Allah SWT.

In this part, the importance and virtues of Tahajjud(Night prayer) are mentioned so that Muslims know how they can bless their lives by offering prayers in the middle or later part of the night. This prayer is very special because at this moment Allah SWT approves our Duas.

 The next part contains a lengthy Ayat.

In this verse, there is a focus on paying Zakat, a religious obligation. Zakat is the payment of surplus amounts of wealth to the needy and poor people (Muslims). It is aimed at the equal circulation of money to reduce poverty and hunger. which is called zakat in Islam.

Generally, this Ayat is said to be Madani, while some opine it is a Macci Ayat. Indeed, this part of the surah lets you know to understand the fundamentals of Islam. This surah of the Holy Quran provides guidance and understanding about many things that occur in life.

Benefits Of Surah Muzammil

  • Reading of Surah Al-muzammil serves to bless and strengthen our spirit and heart.
  • This surah, when read on a regular pattern, protects you from any kind of psychological disorders and ailments.
  • Reading this surah with neat and clear intentions and heart will reward you for meeting Hazrat Mohammad SAW in dream which is a great blessing.
  • If you want to keep your money safe and protected from any mishap, you must read this surah daily.
  • Reading this chapter every night before sleep time will strengthen your faith in Allah SWT.
  • This surah, when read regularly, will never let you be in terrible situations.
  • Any dua(make prayer) that is begged after reciting this splendid surah, is never rejected by Allah SWT.
  • Recitation of this surah at isha (night time) or after Tahajjud prayer(night prayer) will serve to purify your heart till the end of your life.
  • Reading this chapter will never make you dependent on anyone in terms of worldly affairs.
  • If you read this surah one hundred times on Thursday night, your  100  big sins will be pardoned by Allah SWT.
  • It is better not only to read but also to learn this surah by heart so that you are successful in this life as well as in life afterward.
  • It is reported and recommended by Ulema (religious Scholars) to recite this surah 41 times to contain and solve all the issues and hurdles we face in our lives.

Lessons Of Surah Muzammil

A couple of muslim Huffaz kids revising their Quranic lessons

The lessons it wants to teach are patience and faith in Allah. Some important lessons taught by Surah Al Muzammil, are listed below.

  • This surah teaches us why we should perform noble and good deeds. It shows us that the only way to get in contact with Allah SWT is to be virtuous and pious.
  • This surah gives us the lesson of Tawakkal (to believe that Allah is with us) in all kinds of situations. This is the only way we can reach our goal.
  • This chapter of the Quran stresses more on performing tahajjud prayer (Qayamul lail). This refers to awakening from our sleep during the night and to beg to Allah after performing a special prayer. This prayer is loved the most by Allah when performed with a clean heart, intentions, and dedication. Tahajjud namaz is a great source of spiritual calmness and blessings of Allah SWT.
  • One of the most important and prominent lessons of this surah is that it teaches us to strongly believe in Allah. Reciting this surah regularly enhances and strengthens our iman and belief more as we read it more. In other words, this chapter teaches us the lesson of the Oneness of Allah (Touheed).
  • Another great lesson that this surah imparts is to be happy and satisfied with what we are bestowed by Allah. We should not complain and curse our troubles because, for Muslims, it is crucial to stand tall in all circumstances. Therefore, tolerance and perseverance are among the prime lessons that this surah teaches us.
  • This chapter also teaches us to learn from the deadly consequences of the pagans whom Allah destroyed because they disobeyed Allah and His messengers. Therefore, this surah serves as a warning so that we avoid bad things and fear Allah SWT.
  • This surah educates us that violating the laws of Allah will bring us to hell which is the worst place. Therefore, it mentions the stories of non-believers who were punished by Allah.
  • The surah imparts the message of love to the Muslim ummah. It strongly discourages despise and jealousy and prioritizes goodwill, support, and helping each other.
  • This chapter of the Quran throws light on the proceedings of Resurrection Day which will be very hard and difficult. This section serves to make us humble and perform noble and good deeds.


The meaning of ”Al-Muzammil ” is ”Covered in garments” or ”Enshrouded one”.

There are 20 Ayahs in this Surah while the 20th one is the longest.

Surah Mozammil is located in Parah 29th of the Holy Quran.

According to different reports, this surah was revealed in the Holy City of Macca and one of its Ayahs was revealed in Madina.

The message of this surah is, to preach Monotheism (belief in Only One God), patience, and perseverance.

To sum up, Surah Al-Muzammil is one of the most sublime surahs of the Holy Quran. It reflects the enshrouded nature of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). This surah splendidly conveys very fruitful messages that emphasize doing noble deeds, standing tall in faith, and adhering to Monotheism(Oneness of Allah).

Its benefits include many blessings like cures, desires fulfillment, and enhancement of Iman. Its great and sublime verses offer a deep connection with Allah SAW and spiritual peace with inner tranquility. The Surah is read widely for the increase in wealth also.

The first section of the Surah explains the importance of Night prayer which is one of the great sources to get closer to Allah. Mentioning Zakat in the later part, this surah guides us to stay away from the betrayal of Islamic teachings, strengthen the entire Muslim ummah, and make preparations for the Day of Judgment.

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