Dua e Akasha written on night blue sky avove mosque and palms on both of its sides.

The benefits of Dua e Akasha(دعاء عكاشه): Unfolding Spiritual Transformation

Can you imagine how impactful it is to pray to Allah when nothing seems to go your way? If you are about to lose hope because of being far away from your creator and indulging in sins. It is the power of Dua/prayer that changes things and even fate.

Dua e Akasha is the most earnest and sublime prayer to Allah SWT to seek mercy and forgiveness. It aims to clean our hearts by getting closer to Allah. This Dua offers an opportunity for all Muslims to get forgiveness for all their sins and bad deeds both intentional and unintentional ones.

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Summary Of Dua e Akasha

The Dua begins with glorifying words to praise Almighty Allah. The prayer proceeds with an earnest and humble way of begging Allah to get the shelter of His mercy. It highlights the fact that Man is weak in nature and our Lord is Mighty, merciful, and Rahman

We learn about the grandeur of this prayer through the Holy Quran and prophetic traditions. This prayer brings to the fore the instances of those whose lives were successfully transformed by reading this Dua. For empowering your prayers, read surah Yasin

Benefits Of Reciting Dua e Akasha

Akasha dua has many benefits. Some of them are listed below.

An image of fresh Dates placed in a holy place
  • It makes its reciters stand high both in material as well as spiritual affairs with great physical health. 
  • Reciting this dua brings the mercy of Allah to forgive our sins.
  • it is a huge source of blessing in this world as well as in Akhirah.
  • This Dua protects you from bad happenings.
  • Reading this dua regularly connects us with Allah SWT.
  • This prayer does not allow sorcery, mishaps, and enemies to attack you.
  • These verses aim at bringing its reciters to the right path.

Dua e Akasha A  Comprehensive Guide

A muslim asking dua with tasbeh in hands

Opening Supplication

  • Start your dua by asking for shelter in your Lord from the devil.
  • Recite/utter Bismillah ir Rahaman ir Rahim (in Allah’s name) the most Gracious and the most merciful.

Humble submission before Allah

  • Praise Allah and submit your humbleness before His greatness.
  • Acknowledge the greatness of Allah, His kindness, power of Judgement, and mercifulness.

Confess your sins and Seek Forgiveness

  • Repent for your weaknesses and sins by confessing them to Allah.
  • Ask for mercy and pardon from Allah with a sigh of regret for your committed sins.

Invocation for Protection

  •  Seek a strong shield from Allah SWT against bad spirits, sins, and the devil’s force.
  • Go for shelter in Allah from hurdles and hardships you want to avoid.

Dua e Akasha as Blessings And Guidance

  • Pray to Allah for enlightenment and direction to a straight path in your worldly routine affairs.
  • Pray to Almighty Allah to bless the Muslim ummah with harmony, tolerance, and power to fight the challenges.

Pray for the Entire Muslim Ummah

  • Make Dua for the integrity, success, and welfare of the entire Muslim ummah.
  • Pray to Almighty Allah to bless the Muslim ummah with harmony, tolerance, and power to fight challenges.

Dua for Your Deceased Family Members

  • Make an earnest plea with humbleness to  Allah to forgive the sins of all your dead family members and relatives as well as bless them in Jannat.

Conclude your Dua

  • Be highly grateful to your Allah while asking Dua e Akasha.
  • Read the dua with firm belief and do not let negative thoughts come to your mind.
  • Be sure that your prayer will not be rejected by Allah SWT.


Reciting this dua protects us from sins and the displeasure of Allah.

Yes, this Dua is asked to Allah for the pardoning of Our sins.

This Dua has been changing the lives of many due to its powerful effect and divine light.

No, we can remember the entire Muslim ummah in this Dua.

To conclude, asking this dua in true spirits and a clean heart is one of the great Islamic practices to bring oneself closer to Allah SWT. It eliminates satanic power and brings peace, protection, and spiritual calmness to those who lost their hearts because of committing sins. With its wonderful healing power, Dua e Akasha is a huge source and a great opportunity to seek His forgiveness for our sins.

This Dua helps us to find the shelter of Allah when we are full of disparity and worries. It guides us on how we can bless ourselves with the mercy of Allah as well as enlighten ourselves to reach the highest level of spiritual success. It also imparts a lesson of working hard for the welfare, harmony, and unity of the entire Muslim ummah. As a great divine power, this Dua enables us to change our lives and brings hope.

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