Surah kausar written over an ellightened lamp placed in a

Surah Kausar(سورَةُ الكَوثَر):The fountain of blessings

Do you believe in eternal life? Have you imagined how much Quranic Surahs and Ayats can bless you in Paradise? Surah Kausar which is also referred to as the Surah of Fountain, is the shortest chapter of the Holy Quran. This surah was revealed as proof of the authenticity of the mission of the Holy Prophet SAW and His followers in the way of  Allah.

This is the 108th surah, in parah number 30th the Quran. It consists of three verses and ten words. Being the 4th of the last 10 Surahs, it holds a gigantic worth and value. From increasing wealth to spiritual blessings and life sustenance, and multiple rewards in Jannat, this surah is recited extensively by many, daily as a plentiful wazifa.

yats in Surah KausarWords in Surah KausarLocated InRevelation
31030th ParahMecca

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Meaning Of ”Al kausar” in surah Kausar

An image of a lovely waterfall in a forest

The meaning of ”Ál-Kausar”is abundance. It is a River in paradise awarded to Hazrat Mohammad SAW. Those who are true believers and followers of Him shall drink its water on the day of resurrection. Once the messenger SAW was asked about it, he replied:

[“That is a river which Allah SWT has given to me, in Jannah. It is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey,

and in it are birds whose necks are like the necks of camels.”]

This surah holds great in-depth relevance and importance in Islam. It depicts the plentiful blessings and virtues that Allah has granted the Holy prophet SAW as a fruit of his patience and sacrifice for the sake of Islam and Muslim Ummah. It signifies the success and rewards in turn of services for the sake of Allah SWT.

Translation Of the Surah

  • [To thee have We granted the Fount ‘’of Abundance’’]
  • [Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice.]
  • [For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off ‘’from Future Hope’’]

Importance Of Surah Kausar

This surah is a gift of Allah for those who are true believers and virtuous in their actions. It imparts great religious and moral teachings. Being the essential part of daily worship and Duas. It is very important to recite this Surah. It is strongly recommended and one of the most favorite surahs loved by our Holy Prophet SAW. This surah is recited by millions of Muslims across the world to achieve its worldly benefits and bountiful rewards in Akhirah.

Why was Surah Kausar revealed?

It is very important to note the historical background of this surah. Its revelation took place in Macca. It was a hard and tough time when the enemies of the Messenger SAW, were trying to harm His mission and were hostile to Islam. The number of Muslims was little against non-believers and they were considered as weaker than the pagans of Mecca.

Revelation of this surah also honors Hazrat Fatma RA, the beloved daughter Of Hazrat Mohammad SAW, from whom the bloodline of the Prophet’s SAW family continues. Those were the days when both of His male children from Hazrat Khadija RA, had died. Therefore, Pagans of Mecca would call Him ”Abtar” meaning ”cut off”. Allah SWT bestowed Him with Kausar (the river in paradise). It is also mentioned in this surah that; it is the pagans who are the cut-off ones.

Say salam to Hazrat Mohammad SAW by reciting

This surah was revealed as a divine proof of the genuineness and truthfulness of the Holy Prophet SAW and  His mission. This chapter aimed to curtail the hostility and jealousy of pagans. Adding that nobody could contain or stop the true mission Holy Prophet SAW and non-believers will face dire consequences.

Recite the following QuranicSurah for enhanced blessings

Incident relating to Surah Kausar

The incident regarding the revelation of this surah is narrated by Hazrat Anas (RA). At the time of narrating the incident, the Holy Prophet SAW was present among Sahaba RA,

[“In the meantime, He dozed; then He raised His head, smiling, according to some traditions,

the people asked what for He was smiling, according to others, He Himself told them that a Surah had just been revealed to Him.

Then, he recited surah kosar; then he asked the people whether they knew what Kausar was.

When they said that Allah and His Messenger had the best knowledge,

He said; It is a river which my Lord has granted me in Paradise.” ]


Benefits of surah kausar

When recited with an honest and clean heart, this surah offers various benefits for its readers. These virtues and benefits not only bless us in this world but also in life afterward. Some of The prominent and most important ones are listed below.

The Fountain of Kausar

The fountain of Kausar is regarded as a symbol of blessings in Islam. It denotes numerous blessings and spiritual strength that Allah SWT granted Hazrat Mohammad SAW and His Sahabah RA. Reciting this great surah offers spiritual guidance from Allah and an unstoppable flow of mercy. When we read this surah, we feel the inner peace and surety that we will be rewarded by Allah SWT.

Protection from Enemies

This surah is extensively read to avail safety from bad intentions of our foes, and other bad circumstances. It serves as a great defense against the attacks and offenses of evil and anti-Islamic forces seeking disrepute or harm to our faith and spirit. Reading this surah brings the mercy of Allah and keeps away the evil and satanic forces.

Prosperity and Wealth

An image containing piles of coins

It serves as a source of enhancing your resources of wealth and improving livelihood. Its recitation serves to eliminate poverty and hunger. Such is the power of reading this great surah. According to the core beliefs of Muslims, their fortunes will change by reading this surah. Therefore it is advised by religious scholars to recite this chapter regularly.

Also, read

Protection from Disease

Reading this surah also helps in curing ailments and sickness. It serves to treat many health problems as well as spiritual ones. It is highly recommended to recite this surah and blow upon yourself and your children. Frequent recitation of this chapter helps to keep away many physical and psychological issues. It offers a great and healthy feeling to our minds and hearts.

Seeing Prophet Muhammad (SAW) in Dreams

It has been evident by many  Islamic scholars that its recitation increases the possibility of seeing Hazrat Muhammad SAW in your dream. Nothing can be greater than this spiritual pleasure. This is the symbol of success in Akhirah and the true feeling of love for Allah and His messenger SAW. It is regarded as a huge spiritual motivation.

Fulfillment of Wishes

Every passing day, we have different desires and wishes. Reading this surah makes sure that all our legitimate desires are fulfilled. It is recited as wazifa for achieving our goals and helps in accomplishing our religious duties. It is recommended to recite this sublime surah for the fulfillment of your mission and purposes before you make a plea to Allah.

Fulfill your wishes by reading Darud e Muqadas,darood e Taj, and Dua e Qunoot

Protection of Newborns

It is recommended by religious scholars to recite this surah 41 times after fajr prayer for the survival and the long life of newborns. This chapter is regarded as a shield for newborn babies. Therefore in many Islamic norms, It is recited for the blessing of long life.

Also, read 6 Klimas for educating children

For protection against magic read 4 qul

This surah is recited as a blessing for a healthy and spiritually enriched life journey of our children. These Ayats ensure their well-being and protection. For the protection of the baby and the mother, during pregnancy, Yasin Sharif is read at fajar time.

Lessons of the Surah

There are some important lessons to learn from this surah.

  • There is a great reward for being patient, both in this world and in life afterward.
  • It teaches us to be faithful to Allah and His prophet SAW.
  • The reciters of this surah will gather at Alkausar(A River in Jannah ) and drink its water on resurrection day. It also teaches Muslim Ummah to stay united and spiritually connected with Allah.
  • It imparts that Allah will always help and rescue his beloveds against the evil force.


It is the surah number 108th In the Quran.

There are 03 ayats in this surah.

Al-Kausar refers to the fountain of blessings in Jannat which Allah SWT has blessed Hazrat Mohmmad SAW with.

This surah offers sustenance of life for newborns. Anyone whose children do not live long after birth should read this surah regularly.

Yes, this surah should be recited for increasing sources of income as well.

To sum up this article, we learned that the Quran is the supreme guide for living a pious and spiritually pious life amidst the trials and tribulations of this world. This surah bestows us with maximum rewards in Akhirah and this world. Its revelation and significance depict the beauty and depth of Islamic teachings. It is not only a collection of words but a great source of divine blessings. Its recitation brings protection, harmony, and peace into our lives.

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