Last two ayats of surah baqarah written on image of opened Quran

Last two Ayats Of Surah Baqarah(سورة البقرة): Blessings and protection

It is always advised to free your mind of evil thoughts and worries if you want to have a peaceful night and sound sleep. Any one of us who wants peace, harmony, and protection from all sorts of evils, must turn to the Quran which is the greatest of all the holy books.

The last two Ayats of Surah Baqarah which are at number 285th and 286th respectively, are indeed the greatest of Allah’s gifts along with Salath, granted to Holy prophet Mohammad SAW on the occasion of shab e Mairaj(Meraj Night). The surah that occupies the most of Quran is called Al Baqarah, which means ” The cow.

There are a total of 286 verses,6121 words, and 24613 letters in the entire surah. In this article, you will come to know how significant it is to recite the ending couple of verses, and 10 Hadith regarding this splendid chapter. The reward in Akhirah for reading these verses and the benefits caused by them is just phenomenal.

Listen to the audio of last two ayats of Surah Baqarah

Name of the SurahNumber of AyatsNumber of wordsNumber Of Letters
Surah Baqarah 286612124613


The Messenger ˹firmly˺ believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They all believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. They proclaim,˺ “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. We seek Your forgiveness, our Lord! And to You alone is the final return ”.

”Allah does not require any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its benefit, and all evil will be for its loss. ˹The believers pray,˺ “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our ˹only˺ Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelieving people
” .

Meaning and importance of Surah Baqarah

Surah Baqarah comes after surah Fatiha as chapter number 2. This surah comprises 286 ayats while its revelation occurred in Madina. The name of this surah is so because it refers to the story of Bani Israel regarding the prohibition of slaying cows.

The last two ayats of surah Baqarah instruct us to choose Allah’s way and shun evil and not be lured by the deception of the Devil/satan…The purpose of these verses is to teach us that we can be successful by Following the path of  Allah and not of those who are deviated by Satan. Also, recite Aayatul Kursi

Message Of last two ayats of surah Baqarah

The surah is divided/categorized into two sections concerning the message it conveys.

The first one deals with Aqeeda e Toheed(to believe that  Allah is One), Aqeeda e Risalat(to believe that Hazrat Mohammad SAW is the true prophet of Allah and Aqeeda e Akhirat that all of us will have to appear before Allah on account of all our deeds. This means that true followers of Allah will enter Jannat and the wrongdoers will go to Jahannam(the Hell).

The next section discusses the value and procedure of Namaz, Zakat, and Fasting while in the final part, there is a mention of Bani Israel and the Messengers of Allah. Those messengers were sent by Allah SWT to educate and preach to them the Words of Allah.

The entire chapter of the Quran acts as a source of light and spiritual guidance for those who chose the will of Allah as a standard of their lives. For spiritual guidance, read Surah al-Yasin

What Makes Surah Baqarah so Special?

The aspects that make surah Baqarah as a special surah, are listed below.

  • It occupies most of the Holy Quran as it starts from the first chapter and ends in the 3rd chapter.
  • The revelation of this surah occurred in the Holy City of Madina(the center of Islamic teachings in the home of the Holy Prophet SAW).
  • The range of topics it covers is various like iman,tauheed,risalat,akhirat, and public dealing.

Secret Benefits Of the Last Two Ayats of Surah Baqarah

There are seven secret benefits of reading these ayats which are in accord with Hadiths. Following are those benefits that are awarded upon reading these Ayats.

1. Protection During Sleep

According to a Hadith(quote from Holy Prophet SAW) narrated by Abu Masud means that those who read these verses at night will be safeguarded by Allah from all harmful things while they are asleep.

2. Protection From Devil

The reading of these ayats after isha does not allow Satan to enter your room so that you are safe from the devil’s spells.

3. Suffice For Own Reciters

It is believed and suggested by religious scholars that reading these verses at night will possibly enable you to stir peacefully from your sleep so that you can perform the Tahajjud Prayer (The Midnight prayer).

Secondly, there will be protection for you from all kinds of bad spirits and bad happenings because reading these verses restricts the devil from entering your four walls. It is therefore strongly advised to recite the verses before sleep time.

4. Protection From Black Magic

An image of a hand of supernatual creature doing some magic

One of the greatest benefits of reading these Ayahs is that you are protected by Allah SWT from magical spirits.  Once black magic (sorcery) was cast on our Holy prophet Mohammad SAW by some of His enemies and He was affected by its bad effect. When the Holy Prophet SAW read these significant Ayats, Allah SWT cured him.

5. Shab-e-Meraj Gift

This Sacred text was gifted by Allah SWT on the occasion of shab e Mairaj after the Holy prophet was awarded Five times prayers along with pardoning of the punishment of sins committed by the followers of Hazrat Mohammad SAW. Recite 6 kalima along with prayers and Salat.

6. Versa Of Noor

Those who recite these Ayats will be awarded noor (Light) with every word as Allah SWT  has promised. Therefore, the Angel Jibreel(AS) came to the Holy Prophet SAW and brought this great news to Him. Therefore these verses are the Ayats of Noor.Recite sora e mulk for ansering Angels in grave

7. Reward Of Full Night Prayer

The power and reward of reading these ayats is much higher than others doing good deeds or performing prayers. It simply means that if you make your night prayerful and virtuous you must read these ayats at night. For night prayer inspiration, read this

Ayats In Light Of  Hadiths

The last couple of ayats are signified by our Holy prophet Mohammad SAW. There are many Hadiths which shed light on these ayats.

Ibn Katheer wrote: Some of the hadith narrated concerning the Excellence of Surah Baqarah Last 2 Ayat with which Allah (SWT) has blessed us.

Here is a list of the Top 10 Hadith on the last two Ayaats of Surah Baqarah.

Hadith #1

It is reported on the authority of Ibn Mas’ud from the Prophet (PBUH) that he said: “Whoever recites the last two verses of Surah Baqarah at night, they will be sufficient for him.” [Bukhari]

Hadith #2

It is reported on the authority of Abu Dharr that he said: “Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said”:

“I was given the final verses of Surah Al-Baqarah from a treasure trove beneath the Throne; no Prophet before me was given them.” (Ahmad)

Hadith #3

On the authority of ‘Abdullah, it is reported that:

“When Allah’s Messenger (SAW) was taken on a nocturnal journey (to the seven heavens), he arrived at Sidrat al-Muntaha- A tree in the seventh Heaven and it is at the entrance to the seventh. All things that ascend from the earth stop and are held there, as do all things that descend from above (Concerning this).

Allah (SWT) said:

“Behold! The Lote tree was shrouded with shrouds.” (Qur’an 53: 16) He (the narrator) said: “It (that which shrouded the tree) was (a covering of) golden butterflies.” He further added: “The Messenger of Allah (SAW) was given three things: He was given five prayers, he was given the concluding verses of Surah Al-Baqarah and forgiveness of sins for those (of his community) who do not associate partners with Allah (SWT).” (Muslim)

Hadith #4

It is reported from ‘Uqbah Ibn ‘Amir Al-Juhani (RA) that he said that the Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Recite the last two verses from Surah Al-Baqarah, for I was given them from a treasure trove beneath the Throne” (Ahmad)

Hadith #5

It is reported on the authority of Hudhayfah that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said:

“We have been favored over the rest of mankind with three things: I was given these verses from the end of Surat Al-Baqarah from a house of treasure located beneath the Throne: None before me has been given them, and they will not be given to anyone after me.” (Narrated by Ibn Mardawaih)

Hadith #6

It is reported on the authority of ‘Ali (RA) that he said:

“I do not consider it is fitting for anyone who has understood Islam to sleep (at night) until he has recited AyatUl- Kursi-and the ending of Surat Al-Baqarah, for they are a gift to your Prophet (PBUH) from the treasure which lies beneath the Throne.” (Narrated by Ibn Mardawaih)

Hadith #7

It is reported on the authority of An-Nu’man Ibn Basheer from the Prophet (PBUH) that he said:

“Verily, Allah (SWT) wrote something two thousand years before He created the heavens and the earth, then He (SWT) sent down from it two verses with which He (SWT) sealed (ended) Surat Al-Baqarah (the cow), and if they are not recited in any house for three nights, Satan approaches it.”

(Al-Hakim narrated it thus, and declared it authentic following the conditions of acceptance applied by Muslims.)

Hadith #8

It is reported from Sa’eed and Ibn ‘Abbas that they said that the Messenger of Allah SAW used to laugh when he read the last verses of Surah Al Baqarah and Ayat Al-Kursi. He would say:

“Verily, they are both from the treasure of Allah (SWT), which lies beneath the Throne.” And when he recited: “Whoever does evil will be recompensed accordingly.” (Qur’an 4: 123)

And: (And that man will have nothing except what he strives for and that [the fruit of] his striving will be seen, then will he be rewarded with a reward complete.) (Qur’an 53: 39-41), then he would sit back, at ease.” (Narrated by Ibn Mardawaih)

Hadith #9

It is reported from M’aqal Ibn Yasar that he said: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“I was given Fatihat al Kitab and the closing (verses) of Surat Al-Baqarah from beneath the Throne…” (Narrated by Ibn Mardawaih)

Hadith #10

It is reported on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbas that when Jibreel was sitting with the Prophet (PBUH), he heard the sound of a door opening above. He raised his eyes to the heavens and said:

“This is a door which has opened in the heavens which have never been opened before.”

And an angel descended from it and came to the Prophet (PBUH), and said:

“I bring you the good tidings of two Lights which have been given to you and no Prophet before you have ever received them: Fatihat al Kitaba and the final verses of Surah Al-Baqarah; you shall not recite a single letter from them except that it (the reward of the recitation) Will be given to you.” (Narrated by Ibn Abi Laila)


Al Baqarah means the Cow.

These Ayats are at number 285th and 286th respectively.

These ayats are in parah number 3.

Yes, these Ayats should be read to stay safe from black magic.

In conclusion, the last two Ayats of Surah Baqarah have a very high reputation which enlightens the hearts and spirits of millions of Muslims. It was the greatest gift bestowed to Hazrat Mohammad SAW on the splendid occasion of Shab e Mairaj. Reading this surah regularly brings great protection to the body and soul. The number of Hadith relevant to these Holy verses is significant proof of their worth and value. Last but not least, these verses provide a genuine spiritual power and a comprehensive guide for living life.

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