Taraweeh Prayer

Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan – Importance, Benefits & Step-by-Step Guide

Taraweeh is one of the special Nawafil prayers which is offered congregationally in the Holy month of  Ramadan. The 1st Taraweeh prayer is performed upon sighting the Ramadan moon, after the obligatory sunnah rakats of the isha prayer. The prayer of Taraweh in Ramadan 2025 will possibly start on the 27th or 28th of February 2025.

Along with other prayers and recitations, every muslim needs to offer this Ramadan night prayer regularly. In this blog post, you will learn about the importance, benefits, blessings and a guideline for performing the Tarawih prayer in 2025.

What is the Tarawih Prayer?

Salat e Taraweeh is one of the sunnah prayers offered after the isha prayer only in Ramadan Ul Mubarak. The word tarawih is derived from the Arabic word ‘’ Raaha’’ which means to rest. As its meaning indicates, the Taraweeh prayer contains limited intervals after the two sets of Rakats are performed.

Origin Of Taraweeh Prayer

The emergence of “Tarawih” came from Witr salah or Qiyam ul lail (Night prayer) in Ramazan ul Mubarak. The reference to Taraweh from Hazrat Mohammad SAW is not confirmed because He SAW never used the word Taraween in Ramadan ul Mubarak. It was Hazrat Umar  RA who made the decree of performing Taraween in Ramadan ul Mubarak.

The Number  of Rakats In Taraweeh

Taraweh prayers are generally 20 Rakats according to the majority of schools of thought among Muslims. However, there are differences of opinion among religious scholars. According to some, salat e Taraweeh is of 8 rakats but many believe there are 20 rakats in Tarwih salah which are performed in sets of 2 rakaats.

Importance of Taraweeh Prayer

Ramadan 2025 is coming nearer with a reminder for all muslims to stay physically and mentally prepared for the prayers of Tarweeh along with religious practices. Salatul Taraweeh has immense importance for Muslims because it is one of the highly recommended sunnah of Hazrat Mohammad SAW. In one of the Hadith, Hazrat Mohammad SAW said :

[ ‘’ Whoever prays during the nights of Ramadan out of sincere faith and hoping to attain Allah’s rewards, all his past sins will be forgiven.” ]

 (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)

Enhances attachment with the Quran

taraweeh and Quran

It is because of Taraweeh Prayer in Ramadan that we can bless ourselves by listening to the entire Quran. In the Muslim world including Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and UAE the complete Quran is recited during the Tarawih prayer, by the Imam(One who leads the congregational prayer in the mosque). Therefore this prayer brings multiple rewards and spiritual blessings of Allah.

Community Bonding

Taraweeh prayers are performed in a large congregation worldwide which enhances unity, mutual love and harmony among the Muslims. Collective worship increases our spirit of worship which brings more rewards from Allah. The mosques in the entire Muslim World, are filled specially to offer Tarawih in Ramadan Shareef.

Virtues and Benefits of Tarawih

The prayers of Taraweeh bring even more blessings and rewards in the holy month of Ramadan Shareef. Some of the spiritual and physical blessings of salat al Taraweeh are as follows.

Spiritual benefits of Tarawih

  • Listening to the recitation of the Holy Quran by an imam multiplies the eternal rewards you get from Allah for your prayer.
  • During Taraweeh, Muslims have a great opportunity to reflect on the Quran and get the most out Of Ramzan ul Mubarak.
  • Taraweeh prayers offer a great opportunity to repent for our sins in this sacred month which is full of Allah, mercy and blessings.
  • Those who perform regular Tarawih salah, have a greater chance to witness Laylatul Qadr which according to the Quran, is better than a thousand nights.
  • The rewards of saying Taraweeh in congregation is equal to a full night’s prayer.
  • Congregational prayer especially during Ramadan, enhances the glory of Mosques and brings the pleasure of Allah.

Physical Benefits of Taraweeh

Tarawih prayer
  • In Taraweeh prayer, one has to stand for a long time which is the usual case while in the congregation, therefore it is very helpful for heart health.
  • Regularly saying the Taraweeh prayer in Ramadan ul Mubarak enhances our stamina and brings great flexibility to our bodies.
  • Offering Qayam e Ramadan or Taraweeh prayer is helpful in getting rid of anxiety and stress.
  • Not only mental health but it increases and improves our muscular health.
  • Performing Taraweeh plays a vital role in adjusting your body to the Ramadan schedule.it is very helpful in the digestion of iftar meal and preparing for sleep until the next sehri.
  • Taraweeh prayer serves to bring great strength to the body when you fast all day long and offer Taraweeh at night.
  • The movement involved in Taraweeh i.e. Qyam, sajdah, Rukoo and Qaida helps your body to get stronger.
  • According to medical experts with perform taraweeh, our life expectancy also increases.

How to Perform Taraweeh Prayer ?

Taraweeh is basically a Ramadan prayer which according to most of the Muslim community includes 20 rakats. These Rakats are offered in sets. This is a very special Nafal prayer which brings significant blessings of  Allah in the forgiveness of sins. In one of the hadith, Hazrat Mohammad SAW said:

[“Prayers at night are offered in two followed by two. Then, if you fear dawn will come, pray with one.” ]

(Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Salat e Taweeh is performed after isha namaz before three Rakats of Witr salah. You can perform salah e Taraweeh as late as before Sehri. Usually, this prayer is offered in the mosque after the isha congregational prayer. Here is a simple guide on How to Perform salatul Taraweeh.

  • For the male Muslims taraweeh should be performed in Mosque as congregational prayer. Therefore offer obligatory 4 rakats of isha prayer.
  • Follow Fardh salat by offering 2 Rakats of sunnah.
  • Make your Niyyat for Taraweeh prayer i.e. “I intend to pray the Sunnah prayer of Terawih four raka’at for Allah ta’ala”.
  • For congregational prayer usually, the imam reads the Holy Quran after surah e al Fatiha.
  • Taraweeh salat is performed in sets of  2 rakaats.
  • After every 4 Rakats, a rest of short duration is taken .
  • Complete 20 Rakats of Taraweeh before offering witr salah.
  • End your isha prayer by offering salat e Witr.

Note: Besides individual recitation, Muslims listen to the recitation of the holy Quran by an Imam who completes the Holy Quran in Taraweeh at least once every Ramadan.

Taraweeh Prayer in Congregation

Salatul Taraweeh should be performed in congregation in the mosque for maximum thawab and blessings of Allah. The significance of Taraweeh in congregation is listening to the complete Quran during Ramadan. Therefore every fasting male muslims prefers to perform salatul taraweeh in the mosque following the imam who leads the entire mosque.

Tarawih Prayer for Women

Women should perform the prayer of Taraweeh at home after saying the obligatory salat of isha. According to some opinions, women can also arrange a congregation of Tarawih if there is one woman hafiz e Quran. Otherwise, they have to perform this prayer at home after performing the isha obligatory and sunnat  Rakkats.

Dua during Taraweeh prayer

During the month of Ramadan, many supplications and Duas are recited. However, the most recommended dua for Taraweeh Prayers is the following one.

سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْمُلْکِ وَالْمَلَکُوْتِ ط سُبْحَانَ ذِی الْعِزَّةِ وَالْعَظَمَةِ وَالْهَيْبَةِ وَالْقُدْرَةِ وَالْکِبْرِيَآئِ وَالْجَبَرُوْتِ ط سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِکِ الْحَيِ الَّذِی لَا يَنَامُ وَلَا يَمُوْتُ سُبُّوحٌ قُدُّوْسٌ رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّ الْمَلَائِکَةِ وَالرُّوْحِ ط اَللّٰهُمَّ اَجِرْنَا مِنَ النَّارِ يَا مُجِيْرُ يَا مُجِيْرُ يَا مُجِيْر۔

[ “Exalted is the Possessor of the hidden and the manifest dominion. Exalted is the Possessor of Might, Greatness, Reverence, Power, Pride, and Majesty. Exalted is the Master, the Living, the one who neither sleeps nor dies. All-perfect, All-holy, Our Lord, and the Lord of the angels and the souls. O Allah, grant us refuge from the Hellfire. O Granter of refuge, O Granter of refuge, O Granter of refuge”].


According to the Hanafi school of thought, there are 20 rakats in trawih Prayer while some opine it includes 8 rakats.

Tarawih prayer marks the beginning of Ramadan when the crescent Ramzan Kareem is sighted. It means if Ramadan 2025 starts on 28th February, the first tarawih will be on the night of 27th February 2025.

Salat ul Tarawih not only offers forgiveness of our sins but also holds some physical benefits like stress release and enhancing community relation bonds.

Yes, women should perform Taraweeh at home because it is a highly recommended sunnah for both men and women.

No, salat al tarawih is not obligatory but it should be performed regularly because of its blessings and rewards.

The best time to offer Taraweeh is before Witr salah after 4 obligatory, and 2  sunnah rakaats in the isha prayer. It can be performed before Sehri.


Taraweeh prayer is specifically offered, after isha obligatory salah in  Ramadan. It is the most recommended sunnah and the most important part of Ramazan Shareef. Being a nafl prayer, Salat e Taraweeh has some great spiritual and physical benefits. If we perform this prayer with sincerity and devotion, it can bring the mercy of Allah, forgiveness of sins, and enhancement in community love.

Consisting total of 20 rakats this special prayer is performed in sets of 2 rakaats.Tarawih salah is preferably offered at the mosque in the congregation for its enhanced eternal rewards and blessings. Women perform Taraweeh at home to stay blessed with multiple rewards of Allah SWT. Keeping in view the above-mentioned benefits let us intend to get the most out of Tarawih in Ramadan 2025.

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