Laylatul Qadr 2025

Laylatul Qadr 2025: Date, Significance & Night of Power in Ramadan

Lailatul Qadr or the night of power, is the most valuable and spirit-pleasing night that falls in the last Ashra of Ramadan ul Mubarak. The Holy Book of the Quran has glorified it as ”better than a thousand months’’.On this sacred night, the first revelation of the Quran to Hazrat Mohammad SAW through Hazrat Jibrael As (The Angel of revelation) occurred.

Muslims around the globe engage themselves in enhanced worship, special prayers and supplications to find this sublime night to have their Duas fulfilled. In this blog post, you are going to learn the virtues, dedicated prayers and recommended practices on Layalatul Qadr 2025.

When is Laylatul Qadr 2025?

The 1st Ramadan 2025 is expected to take place on 1st March 2025. Laylatul Qadr 2025, according to the Lunar calendar is likely to occur on the odd nights from 19th March 2025 to 29 March 2025. It will fall on 21st, 23rd, 25th, or 27th  of  Ramadan. Usually, the 27th Ramadan ul Mubarak is considered the most anticipated date as laylatul  Qadr and is therefore revered by the muslim world.

Signs of Laylatul Qadr

However, it is impossible to determine the exact date of Laylatul Qadr. Allah Almighty knows the exact date of Laylatul Qadr  2025. Nevertheless, there are some physical signs which are proven from the following quotes and Hadith.

[“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “On the morning following Laylatul-Qadr, the sun rises without any rays as if it were a brass dish until it rises.”] (Hadith | Muslim)

[“Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him), said: “Laylatul-Qadr is calm and pleasant, neither hot nor cold, the sun rises on its morning being feeble and red.”] (Hadith | Ibn Khuzaimah)

Quran and hadith About Lyalatul Qadr

The importance and greatness of the Night of Power are discussed both in the Holy quran and also in the hadith. Some of the most significant references to Laylatul Qadr in the Quran and Hadith are as follows.

[“Search for the Night of Qadr in the odd nights of the last ten days of Ramadan” ]

[” Hadith | Sahih al-Bukhari ”]

In the Holy Quran, Allah Tabarak wa Taala says :

[ Ha, Meem. By the clear Book, Indeed, We sent it down during a blessed night. Indeed, We were to warn [mankind]. On that night every precise matter – Every matter [proceeding] from Us. Indeed, We were to send (a messenger)”]

[ ” Qur’an | 44:1-5 ”]

On another occasion, it is mentioned in the Holy Book Of Quran:

[ “Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree And what can make you know what is the Night of Decree? The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. The angels and the Spirit descend therein by permission of their Lord for every matter. Peace it is until the emergence of dawn”.]

[” Qur’an | 97:1-5 ” ]

The Spiritual Significance of Laylat al-Qadr

The night of power or Laylatul Qadr is significant for the pardoning of sins with the mercy of Allah. Some of the most prominent virtues and blessings of Lylatul Qadr are as Follows.

The mercy of Allah and Approval of Dua

This night is special for the mercy and blessings of Allah. It is believed that Duas asked on this night are not rejected when asked with veneration, humbleness and submitance to Allah SWT. This Holy night is specified for enhanced worship and praying to Allah SWT to earn eternal rewards.

The night of peace

Night of Blessings 1

The entire night of Qadr is full of peace and safety as Allah SWT says in the Holy Quran. The believers try to stay awake for the whole night saying prayers, recitations and zikr of Allah. Those who observe Itikaf, have a special advantage of being already dedicated to the worship of Allah in seclusion. The angels of mercy descend from the sky to bless the worshippers with peace and mercy from Allah.

Night of Decree and Fate-Changing

It is believed that Dua has the power to change the fate. Praying to Allah on this sublime night is very significant because the decree of future events is set on this Holy night. Therefore it is strongly advised to pray (Ask Dua) to Almighty Allah for His mercy and blessings and to transform our lives.

Multiple Times rewards from Allah

It is already known to the believers that every act of worship including Quranic recitation, prayers and zikr is awarded multiple times when performed on this sacred night. According to religious scholars, the worship in Laylatul Qadr becomes equivalent to worship performed for 83 years. Thus the rewards of worship on that sacred night get many times greater.

prayers and practices in Laylatul Qadr

The night of Qadr offers numerous ways to earn rewards and get the mercy of Allah. Some of the most important and rewarding prayers and practices are as follows.

Offering Congregational Salath

Congregational prayers( Ba Jumaat salat) are compulsory for every male muslim to be offered in the mosque. As a regular performer of prayers especially in  Ramadan may bless and reward you to witness the Holy night of Qadr. Therefore, During Ramadan, it is especially important to say a congregational prayer from fajr to isha.

Engage in Qiyam al-Layl (Night Prayers)

Saying the Night prayer also called Tahajjud(Qiam ul Lail in Arabic) is highly significant for making a strong connection with Allah. Thajjud is offered in the later part of the night after waking up from sleep. The night of Qadr offers a special opportunity to perform this special prayer earn multiple rewards and get your prayers and worship approved by Allah.

For enhanced blessings, offer Salat e tasbeeh on the night of Qadr

Offer Salat e Tarawih in Congregation

Offering congregational Tarawih prayer after the isha prayer in Ramadan is very important for every fasting Muslim. Regular performance of salat al Taaveeh brings special rewards from Allah and also increases the chances of seeing Laylatul Qadr. It is therefore strongly recommended to say salat taraweeh consistently with dedication.

Note: The women during their special days(Mensues) can also participate in Laylatul Qadr.They can recite supplications and zikr on the sacred night to stay blessed and rewarded.

Recite and Reflect on the Quran

There is a strong connection between Laylatul Qadr and the Holy Quran because of the first Quranic revelation on this blessed night. It is therefore the best time for enhanced recitation to get multiple rewards from Allah. This blessed night offers a great opportunity for reflecting on the the purpose of revelation of the Quran.

Reciting surah Al Qadr

Surah e Qadr or Al Qadr surah is the 97th chapter of the Holy Quran. In this great surah, Allah SWT has mentioned the exaltation and worth of the sura Qadar. This surah should be recited more and more on the night of power for more thawab and blessings.

Make Sincere Duas

Dua in Night of Power

On the night of Qadr, there is no limit to the mercy and blessings of Allah. The Muslims keep praying with recitations of numerous Duas. One of the most recommended duas for that special night, by Hazrat Muhammad SAW, is ‘’

[ Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu anni”d “Allahumma innaka afuwwun tuhibbul afwa fa’fu anni”]

Translation: “O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me.”

Giving Charity on Laylatul Qadr

Giving charity in Ramadan, especially on this blessed night is a highly rewarding and virtuous act. Muslims who are well off, from all parts of the world try to donate money and engage in helping the needy and poor people in this blessed month. It is advised to stay more focussed on giving to charity and Sadaqah, especially in the last ten days of Ramzan Shareef.

Practice Itikaf (Seclusion)

Itikaf is a great and meaningful religious practice if managed properly and wholeheartedly. It is to seclude for the last ten days of Ramadan in the mosque for the sake of Allah. It is the best chance for a believer to find Laylatul Qadr by constantly and sincerely engaging in the worship of Allah. It will be very fruitful to make up your mind for Itikaaf in 2025 Ramazan Sharif.

To avoid sins and be pious

One of the most important things in Ramadan ul Mubarak is, to be loyal to Allah by obeying His commands. To be privileged to see this sacred night, it is very crucial to avoid sins and be righteous in your deeds. We should start this night with heartfelt prayers and devotion from Allah and start preparation near Iftaar, as the starting point of Qadr night.


Layltul Qadr 2025 date is not exactly known, however, it occurs on odd nights of the last Ashra of Ramazan ul Mubarak. Usually, Muslims expect this night to occur on the 27th of Ramadan, which according to the modern calendar may occur on the 26th or 27th March 2025.

The significance and worth of the laylatul Qadr are proven by the Holy Quran, and its first revelation was also done on this night. Its highness is to such an extent that worship on this sacred might is equivalent to 83 years and 4 months.

There is no direct determination of the occurrence of this blessed night, yet there are some signs which appear on the next morning. According to hadith, the next morning after that night starts in a peaceful atmosphere and the sun rises with no rays looking like a brass dish.

To recite surah Al Qadr in the Night of Power reminds us to reflect on the greatness and power of this night. Every verse of this surah describes the blessings of that night which motivate us for enhanced worship and recitation on this night.

According to religious scholars, women can recite zikr and supplications even if they are on menses. They may perform charitable acts and ask dua to earn rewards from Allah.

The Night of Qadr does not always occur on an identified date or day annually. This night is concealed, and a secret known to Allah SWT only.


The night Of power or laylatul Qadr is of immense value and worth and a gigantic source of blessings and eternal rewards. With Laylatul Qadr 2025, we are going to have a great opportunity to perform extended prayers, recite the Holy Quran, and ask maximum Duas. On the precious occasion of that blessed night, we can have our sins forgiven and bless ourselves with the showering mercy of Allah.

As the sacred month of Ramadan approaches  2025, believers must focus on noble deeds and engage themselves in worship and service of humanity. It is therefore prayed that Almighty Allah bless us to see the sacred night of Qadr and be successful on the day of Judgement.

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