Manzil Dua(منزل دعا): A Blessing to Safeguard Home and Family
Can you imagine how much a prayer like Manzil Dua can enlighten your spirit? This powerful prayer has been blessing millions of Muslims for hundreds of years by protecting them from evil and the devil. If you are in search of spiritual guidance and divine blessings, this article will lead you to understand the value, benefits, and virtues of this Dua.
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What is Dua e Manzil ?
This Dua includes various Ayats from different Quranic chapters that are highly recommended for protection against negative energies like the evil eye, jinnat, calamities, and magic. It includes all those sublime surahs and verses that can cure all diseases and stop bad happenings. It is the bringer of blessings, pleasure, and prosperity. Read the Heart of the Quran.
Meaning Of Manzil
The meaning of manzil is the destination or the stopping place. The in-depth meaning indicates relief from hardships, struggles, and tiredness. It denotes the bringing of calmness, peace, and satisfaction. In other words, we say that it brings the desired satisfaction.

Who compiled this Dua?
A well-known Islamic scholar from sub-content Molana Mohammad Zakrya[RA] compiled these verses. At that time, these Ayats were being recited by his family to find protection from evil and bad energies. From then onwards this sacred text is referred to as dua e manzil. For fighting evils read 4 Qul.
The content of Manzil Dua
This sublime supplication includes different verses of the Holy Quran taken from different Surahs which are listed below.
This sublime supplication includes different verses of the Holy Quran taken from different Surahs which are listed below.
Benefits of Manzil Dua
The benefits of reciting this Dua are numerous. Some of the most important and relevant are the following.

Protection from Evil
This Dua brings strong protection against evil. Many people from around the world read this dua for safety against the bad eye(Nazar), jealousy, and offense. With the most powerful verses, this Dua keeps all the devil’s whispers away from you. This dua should be recited daily for protection from nazar.
Marriage problems
Marriage is a religious obligation and duty of every human. Though the primary benefit of this Dua is to offer protection, nevertheless it helps in solving several issues regarding marriage. Be it a marriage proposal, agreement, or other terms and conditions required for this religious bond, this prayer increases the possibility of making a successful marriage. It is recited to solve all marital problems.
For Treating Diseases
This Recitation has the great power to cure many ailments like pain, fever, and other physical disorders. One of the great advantages of this Dua is, it brings Shifa (The Cure). Many a patient has reportedly been treated for different diseases reciting these verses. Furthermore, it offers a greater spiritual energy and inner comfort that increases the immunity of the body.
Protection from Black Magic
Casting black magic or sorcery is a harmful and illicit practice in Islam. It is the act of shaitan( satan) that ruins lives and lawful relations. One of the huge benefits of this Dua is to fight and remove the effect of black magic and sorcery. Manzil shreef is widely believed to have treated and recovered many magic-stricken people. The power of this Dua is so effective that it can undo the attack of magic.
Overcoming Fear and Anxiety
With its healing effect, this Sacred text eliminates worries, depression, and sadness replacing them with peace and satisfaction. Not only does it help us in solving our issues but it also provides great energy to overcome them. This is a well-known fact that this Dua brings spiritual pleasure and tranquility. The more we read this, the better we feel. For inner peace read also Dua e Akasha
Brings Blessings and Good Fortune
It is widely believed that reading this Holy prayer brings a great enhancement in divine blessings which ultimately change our lives. A person seeking blessings to improve his resources of life must read this Dua. It is also believed that reading Manzil brings an increase in wealth and livelihood.
Helps to Memorise the Quran
As mentioned earlier, Dua e Manzil is the combination of various Quranic Ayats from different surahs, it helps to memorize the Quran as well. Reading this dua regularly provides a great motivation to learn the entire Holy Book by heart. It is indeed a great blessing in itself.
What is the best time to read this dua?
It is highly recommended and advised by religious scholars to read it after fajr prayer. The alternate time of its recitation is after maghrib. If we want to pray to fulfill our Hajats(needs), and other legitimate desires, we should read it any time. However, the preferred and ideal time for its recitation is fajr or maghrib.
Procedure Of reciting Manzil
Manzil’s prayer should be recited in the following way.
Note: Every dua and supplication should be performed with clear conviction, sincere heart, and calm contemplating mode.Do believe that Allah SWT will never reject your plea.
To conclude, manzil dua is an unparalleled supplication that holds a very high and significant place in Islam. The power to heal numerous diseases and protect from physical, spiritual, and supernatural offenses is instrumental. It has been very common in practice by millions of Muslims due to its special and unique benefits. Being exposed to so many satanic curses and sins, it is strongly advised to recite this dua once a day regularly. Having included the most sublime ayats and Quranic surahs, this dua brings so many blessings and rewards in akhirat as well.