Dua e Ganjul Arsh written on an image of a man worshipping in a mosque

Dua- e- Ganjul Arsh(دعا گنج العرش): The Prayer Of Treasure Of Throne

Dua e Ganjul Arsh is a prayer that contains one of the 99 names of Allah’’Al Hayyul Qayyum’’. It is also called the ‘Prayer Of Treasure Of Throne’’.By asking Dua with this Holy name, the mercy of Allah SWT is invoked.

This dua is recited for blessings of Allah, and to get rid of our miseries. By reading this Dua, Allah bestows us with what we desire the most. In this blog post, you will learn about the benefits, blessings, and recitation of this sublime Dua.

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3 Attributes Of Dua e Ganjul Arsh

This Dua was presented By Hazrat Jibrael AS to Hazrat Mohammad SAW when He was among his companions in Masjid e Nabwi. The three major attributes of this dua as told by Hazrat Jibrael AS, are given below.

1. The reciter of this Dua will be blessed with multiple and plentiful resources of livelihood.

2. His subsistence will keep growing more and more, from a source, that is beyond our imagination.

3. The reciter of this dua will never be dominated by his enemy or opponent.

Importance Of Dua e Ganjul Arsh

It is very important to recite; because this contains all the praising names of Allah which we call Asmaa ul Husnaa. This dua is recited to praise Allah and His messenger by sending Darood salam upon Him.  This holy text can elevate our soul and heart, as well as make our dua acceptable. It is very important for all muslims to recite this dua regularly to stay blessed and successful both in this world as well as in Akhirah. Read Surah Yaseen for approval of prayer.

What is Dua?

A muslim child learning how to ask dua

The word Dua is usually referred to as prayer and worship in English. But in Islam, we use the word ibadat for worship while Dua is used for calling Allah by asking and requesting Him for blessings, fulfillment of hajat, and forgiveness of sins.

What Are The Types Of Dua?

There are two types of Dua.

1.Du’aa-u mas’alah


Du’aa-u mas’alah

Dua has no limits or bounds. We should be praying to Allah because asking Allah pleases our Lord. We can pray to Allah any time for His blessings and mercy whenever we are in trouble or need something very badly. In this type of  Dua, we ask and request for our needs, and desires to be fulfilled.

Du’aa-u Ibaadah

This type of Dua is asked to seek His mercy. It is asking Allah, to seek protection from hellfire, pardon our sins, and bless us with Jannat. We ask dua in such a way as to invoke His love and kindness. This dua is usually after we have performed our prayer. Read Surah Waqiah after maghrib .

الدُعَاءُ مُخُّ الْعِبَادَة

Du’aa is the core of ibadat [‘’  Al-Tirmidhi  3371’’]

دُعَاءُ الْعِبَادَة

Dua is ibadat [‘’Sunan ABi DAWUD’’]

In which language should we read Dua?

Generally, Dua is recited in Arabic, as we learn from the teachings of the holy prophet SAW, and is recommended by religious scholars. If we do not know Arabic, we may ask Dua in our native language. According to some people, Dua is the repetition of some words but in fact, it is the cry of our soul revealing our inner feelings.

Watch Video Of Ganjul Arsh Dua

Benefits Of Dua e Ganjul Arsh

Good Health

Reciting this dua daily will bless you with good health. It is recommended to read it to stay safe from diseases.

Protection from Diseases

It is believed that reading this dua is very helpful in treating many diseases. Recite this dua and blow upon the diseased person, by the will of Allah, he will be treated and cured.

Increased Livelihood and Food

An image of roasted meat, alongwith salads ,placed in s serving plate

Rizq(Food and Livelihood) is one of the basic needs of every human being. If you recite this dua frequently, Allah SWT will bring Brakah(enhancement) to your rizq.

Good relationships:

Islam gives instrumental importance to good legitimate relationships. It is very useful to recite this dua for a healthy and strong marital relationship. It should be recited by both husband and wife.

Success in job and business:

If you are struggling in your job or business, read this dua for success; with the will of Allah, you will get great opportunities to grow your business.

Marriage proposal:

This dua is recited to find a perfect match for you. Be it a marriage proposal, or the need for a good spouse this dua is helpful in meeting our needs.

Removal Of Black Magic:

This dua offers a great remedy from black magic or sorcery. Whenever you feel its bad effect, keep reading this dua.

Note: Black magic or sorcery is haram(illicit) in Islam; those who practice this, will face the anger of Allah.

Protection from Evil Eye:

Evil eye or Nazar e bad is another challenge in life whenever you are enjoying a great worldly status and position. Reciting this dua will remove the effect of the evil eye, and you will stay safe inshAllah.

Protection from fear or accident:

Recite this dua daily or frequently to stay safe from fear of the enemy, disasters, and other bad happenings. Those who read this dua, Allah will defeat their enemy.


Dua e Ganjul Arsh is recited to praise Allah and His Messenger SAW for blessing and rewards in this world and Jannah.

Yes, this dua is a source of connecting with Allah, and it brings an inclination towards performing good and pious deeds.

There are three attributes of this dua. It is Food, enhancement of livelihood from an unknown source, and defeating your enemy.

Yes, this dua is very helpful in curing diseases.

Yes, if are in search of a job you must work hard and recite this dua for divine help.

To conclude, Dua e Ganjul Arsh is a great source of pleasing Allah because it contains Allah’s holy names and sends darood o salam upon His beloved prophet SAW. One of the 99 names of Allah Al Hayyul Qayyum which brings special blessing and rewards from Allah is recited in this dua. Reading this dua after fajr and isha namaz protects you from diseases, and disasters and keeps you in good health. All our basic needs like marriage, jobs, and a happy life are ensured if we read this dua in true spirit.

To conclude, Dua e Ganjul Arsh is a great source of pleasing Allah because it contains Allah’s holy names and sends darood o salam upon His beloved prophet SAW. One of the 99 names of Allah ”Al Hayyul Qayyum” which brings the special blessing and rewards from Allah is recited in this dua. Reading this dua after fajr and isha namaz protects you from diseases, and disasters and keeps you in good health. All our basic needs like marriage, jobs, and a happy life are ensured if we read this dua in true spirit.

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