Charity in Ramadan 2025: A Guide to Giving Back and Maximising Rewards
The holy month of Ramadan is marked by enhanced worship and prayers for muslims and prevention from worldly pleasures. One of the most rewarding practices in Ramazan is charity(To spend in the way of Allah) and zakat.
As the source of wealth cleaner, the charity paid in Ramzan became a valuable source of Divine Connection and Success in Akhirat. In this blog post, you will be guided about the virtues of sadaqah and charity in Ramadan.
Also, read about Ramadan Ashras
Ramadan & Charity
The Holy month of Ramadan and charity both go hand in hand. In this sacred Allah SWT multiplies the rewards in turn of our virtuous and charitable deeds. There is a lot to say about Ramadan & Charity however some of the prominent blessings of charity in Ramadan are as follows.
For more rewards, also remember the poor on Eid ul Fitr
Importance of Charity in Ramadan
Spending money in the way of Allah SWT gets multiple rewards for Ramadan. This act is specifically focussed by our Holy prophet Mohammad Saw in this blessed month. Some of the prominent virtues of charity in Ramadan are as follows.
Also, read Ramadan special Daus
Charity For wealth purification
Payment of Zakat and sadaqah is primarily meant to purify our wealth Spending wealth in the way of almighty Allah opens the gateway of Allah,’s mercy and purifies our souls and hearts. It is a great source of heart purification and escaping greed and other vices.
Sadaqah for Enhanced rewards
Ramadan Shareef is such a month when the blessings of Allah are showering. Even a small act of kindness can bring big rewards. Therefore, it becomes more significant to pay charity in this sacred month.
Charity for community Support
Equal circulation of money abolishes the sense of deprivation and humility among the poor and pleases Allah. Paying to the poor for the sake of Allah SWT, and helping His servants brings harmony and a sense of equality in the Muslim community. One of the sayings of Hazrat Mohammad SAW is that:
[“The best charity is that given in Ramadan.”] – Prophet Muhammad (Sahih al-Tirmidhi)
Types of Charity in Ramadan
According to the rules of Islam, we can pay the charity in two ways. One is Zakat and the other is Sadaqah. Ramadan ul Mubarak being the Holiest month offers significant rewards for such generous acts.
”Zakat” is an Arabic word which means to clean or purify. It is paid to the deprived and needy people who are Muslim. This payment is done for the purification of wealth and to bless our Ramadan with success and eternal rewards. The payment of zakat is a religious Obligation just like other obligatory pillars of Islam.
Zakat donation is done according to the fixed value(Nisab) according to islamic law. According to Sharia (Islamic Jurisprudence), the zakat money is 2.5 of the wealth which must be paid once in the year.
What is Nisab for Zakat payment?
Nisab is the value or minimum value which makes it obligatory for a muslim to pay zakat. According to muslim jurists, it is 87.48 grams of gold or 612.36 grams of silver. Muslims with wealth equal to the above value or equivalent meat pay zakat for purifying their wealth.
Sadaqah (Voluntary Charity)
It is a voluntary charity which is paid to the poor and needy people out of sympathy and generous heart without following fixed criteria like in Zakat. It can be money, foodstuff, clothes, or other necessities. Paying sadaqah is Ramadan ul Mubarak brings multiple rewards therefore it becomes a great source of success.
Sadaqah jarrah
Charity in light of Hadith
Charity including zakat and sadaqah, has a very special place in Islam. Its value and importance can be reckoned from the following Hadith of the Holy Prophet Mohammad SAW.
How to Give Charity in Ramadan 2025
If you want to bless Ramadan 2025 with enhanced rewards, pay sadaqah (Charity) in the following ways.
inviting the poor to Iftaar meals
Arrangement of iftar dinners and feasts for deserving people brings a huge mercy of Allah. This is a great act which should be conducted with sincere heart and its aim should be to help the servants of Allah.
Iftaar meals can also be arranged collectively with the collaboration of local mosques in the cities or towns. Such practices boost our faith and spread love and unity among Muslims.
Support Orphanages and Charity Organizations
Spending money for the parentless children and fulfilling their needs this month is even rewarding. Those with wealth can facilitate them financially regarding their health, education and shelter. It is a matter of huge Thawab to support trustworthy offices working for the welfare of orphans.
Donate to a Ramadan Food Drive
Supporting and financing food drives run by charity organisations during Ramadan is an act of kindness and mercy. Fulfilling the needs of the deprived ones, causes deep-hearted prayers to come into your account and blessing in eternity.
Zakat al-Fitr (Fitrana)
Zakat ul Fitr is also a charitable amount which is paid to the needy and poor sector of society. It is a small amount which should be paid before performing the Eid ul Fitr prayer. Payment of Fitrana on Eid day brings pleasure and relief to deserving individuals so that they can meet their needs on the day of Eid.
With Ramadan ul Mubarak coming closer, it is important to learn the significance of charity in Ramadan for multiple blessings and rewards in Jannat. Be it Zakat, and Zakat ul Fitr, every charitable act, especially in the sacred Month, brings blessings in Multitude. These generous acts serve to spread love, compassion and unity among muslims and bless our Akhirat(The day of judgment). Let us pledge to make this Ramadan full of Virtues and please Almighty Allah.